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Fighter THAC0 at level 24

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2000 12:22 pm
by Beelzebub
After removing the expierience cap, i brought my fighter to level 24. Up to 21 or so, every levelup reduced the THAC0, but not the last ones. Is this according to the AD&D rules (i haven`t got them), or are the rules for these levels not implemented in BG2?
If so, does there exist a higher level pack somewhere, ore can i use the 40th level AD&D rules for Baldur's Gate1 i downloaded from
Thanks in advance, Beelzebub

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2000 12:47 pm
by bullions27
Warriors improve on thac0 at 1 per level and they cap at level 20.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2000 9:11 pm
by Jurosementalistile
I'm not quite sure what bullions27 was saying, but accoerding to AD&D rules there is no limit to the level you can reach, and a warrior's THAC0 should reduce by 1 each level indefinetely. I guess the game just wasn't designed to handle that high a level.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2000 9:24 pm
by bullions27
Ok, I'll re-explain into detail. The game was built to cap and I thought it was 20 but it's 19 for fighters. You do improve thac0 at 1 per level and yea they probably forgot to factor in that you can remove the XP cap and have fighter progress beyond the cap or they didn't want to or could't figure a new script which would involve negative thac0.

[This message has been edited by bullions27 (edited 11-27-2000).]