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5th Relic of Power from Ellowyn?! How to get it?!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 4:09 am
by -JoHn-
Ok first of all i'm really fustrated with this game because I've been already stuck for 3 times in this buggy game because of a BUG!.. :mad: And now I have a serious problem with the 5th relic of power which Ellowyn has.. I have all of the other relics but I cant find any guest or nothing that would lead me to the final 5th relic.. So my question is that where should I go now to get the guest for the last relic?.. or is this just another sucky bug? :eek: ( o and btw. I have already wisited the tomb of souls and bargained with voraatus) PLEASE SOMEONE! I NEED YOUR HELP! :confused:

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 4:10 am
by -JoHn-
I would really appreciate your help!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 12:43 pm
by Seattle Goth
Try going to The Maze , Its in a castle looking building in the Black swamp, once you get thru the maze and get all the keys you enter the keep ans she is in the very bottom, I saved her and she didnt give me the ring, Instead she tells me this long story and tells me to go see her father and tell him what she told me. Anyway maybe you will get the ring from her I dont know, this is the strangest game I ever played with all the Bugs and all.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 6:22 am
by Axis420
You need to go and speak with Vartugg in Skuldoon, he'll then give u a quest to go kill the witch hag and barrowgrim int the maze thats deep within the blackswamp. Vartugg tells you the password that u have to speak in order to get by the stone heads. Hope that helped.


Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:01 am
by Hudson Hawk
I am stuck in the same boat. I have 4 of them done as well, but when I go back to Skuldoon, Vartugg is out on bussiness. :(

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:48 am
by Shadowman
[QUOTE=Hudson Hawk]I am stuck in the same boat. I have 4 of them done as well, but when I go back to Skuldoon, Vartugg is out on bussiness. :( [/QUOTE]

Have you taken all four to Talendor as I just finished Shadow Ruins and took the
relic I got from it there and then went to Skulldoon to talk to Vartugg and he sent me to kill the hag in the black swamp.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:08 am
by Stromgold
one other point

Also, If you haven't spoken with Staroxia, then you need to do that BEFORE you go through the maze. Otherwise Ellowyn will not give you the ring.