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anyone done chessboard and won?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:57 am
by m.s
done chessboard and won?

has anyone done the chessboard in durlags tower 3 and won?? i've tried tons of times and i always end up dying!..if you have any tips please do tell!
also how do you get your characters to not move when in combat and stay in the same place? everyone in my party decides to run around killing anyone they decide.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 11:14 am
by Thomas77
- The first thing to do here is to turn off your AI by selecting the little box in the lower right corner of your screen right next to your "Select All" button. Once you do that, then nobody should be doing anything without you first commanding them.
- Next, make sure you leave everybody in there spot and have your mage cast Web across the board towards the center, then Cloud Kill, then as many fireballs as quickly as possible. At some point, enemy NPC's are going to come running at you. Let them approach you, all the while hammering them with any missiles you have. If you see the King rushing you, concentrate all your fire power on him. Once he is dead all other enemies will die with him and the game is up. Good luck! ;)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 11:14 am
by CFM
Turn ON your leadership skills by turning OFF the Party AI.

This button is located on the bottom right of the main screen.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 6:33 am
by krunchyfrogg
I think he's asking if you can actually play the game of chess and win. If that's what you mean, then I'm really not sure.

I usually blast them in a similar manner as Thomas.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 6:42 am
by Thomas77
I would say that it's almost impossible to win the chess game by playing by regular chess rules. I tried that my first time around and the moment the enemy caught a glimpse of one of my party member's, they rushed him.

though, it would be interesting to know if anybody has won that way....

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 12:42 pm
by Erenor
The other side always rushes you and moving your characters around properly so they don't get zapped is difficult when they have all the pawns charging them. Besides, it isn't just moving your pieces around like a proper chess game where your opponent dies when you take his space. You start with 6 pieces max, so taking on 16 starts you with an enormous disadvantage.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:53 pm
by Ravager
Chessboard strategy

I found using spells such as confusion, helplessness and chaos useful to immobilise the opposition and to get them them facing each other. It also does not alert them to your presence. After using these type of spells unleash any wands and offensicve spells at the same time.
Killing the enemy King ends the battle so that should be the primary target.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:06 pm
by sologdin

area effect spells are a must. don't move your group. just cast entangle, hold person, horror, confusion, many FBs, cloudkill if you have it. not too tough if you have 3+ casters.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:50 am
by Ravager
Try to use disabling spells before damaging ones so they will not react straight away :)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:08 pm
by mr_sir
[QUOTE=m.s]has anyone done the chessboard in durlags tower 3 and won?? i've tried tons of times and i always end up dying!..if you have any tips please do tell!
also how do you get your characters to not move when in combat and stay in the same place? everyone in my party decides to run around killing anyone they decide.[/QUOTE]

i did it without moving one member of my party. i got dynaheir to cast cloudkill, web, cloudkill, fireball and then my pc (also a mage) cast fireball then used the wand of fire repeatedly. when one of them made it through (only the king did) the rest of my party took him down with ranged weapons in no time. mind you i do have quite a high level party now as i have nearly finished the main campaign . i tried loads of times with other strategies but just died in no time but this one worked perfectly and not one member of my party took a hit

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:21 am
by Sarg

area effect spells are a must. don't move your group. just cast entangle, hold person, horror, confusion, many FBs, cloudkill if you have it. not too tough if you have 3+ casters.[/QUOTE]

This has got to be the best and easiest tactic of doing the chessboard
use your caster's full potential and as many area effect spell's as your wizard's can cast.

Dont forget that as soon as you take out the king, the job is done, And yes he's dumb enough to try storming you as well

Another thing is that you can walk up and down the board freely if your BEHIND your pawn's, this is also useful if/ when you get stormed

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:37 pm
by qwertitus
Monstor Summoning spells are also very useful not neccesarily because the damage they do but because they act as fodder for your party.