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favorite star wars character (possible spoiler)
Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:47 pm
by Echuu Shen-Jon
I was wondering what everyone's alltime favorite character from star wars was,and if you want tell why you like him/her so much.Mine would have to be Qui-Gon Jinn,because he didnt heed to the jedi council and wasnt part of it either.Another reason is Darth Tyranus(Count Dooku) was his master while tyranus was a jedi master.The last reason i like Qui-Gon is because he introduced the Living Force.
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 7:36 am
by goldberg1224
Qui Gon Gin was always my favorite
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 7:49 am
by MightyIron
I think palpatines a fantastic character, especially in the new movie.
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 8:23 am
by Echuu Shen-Jon
(SPOILER)Palpatine was pretty kick a$$,and i was suprised at how easily he cut down Agen Kolar,then Saesee Tiin,then slightly struggled with Kit Fisto,and finally got a cheap shot on mace mindu.
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 8:50 am
by Ripe
That depends - are we talking just about movies or entire expanded universe?
From the movies it's a hard choice between R2-D2 & C-3PO or Boba Fett. Droids because they are posibly one of the best onscreen team ever (scene from RotS in which R2 beat those two Battle droids is priceless) and Boba for overall coolness of his character.
From EU I guess it would be Solo Twins because we had a chance to follow their growth from childberth to one of the most powerfull Jedi's of their time through various obstacles on their path (kidnaping attempts, temptations of dark side...) and their coping with all the losses they faced (deaths of Chewbacca and Anakin, devastating war...).
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 8:55 am
by Echuu Shen-Jon
Ripe:That depends - are we talking just about movies or entire expanded universe? The entire universe
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 10:34 am
by techoluvr
Mine would have to be Yoda just because he is small and green. He is like a midget (no offense) with wrinkly green skin and grey hair. Plus his lightsaber is shorter that all the other Jedis' lightsabers. Final reason, he smokes Dooku and Palpatine in da lightsaber battles in movies II-III.
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 10:05 pm
by Darth Zenemij
But sadly cd dies from anakin and therefore could not have been "smoked" by yoda, and furthermore palpatine didnot get "smoked" beacuse yoda failed and decided to go into Exile.
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 11:27 pm
by Chimaera182
He was referring to the lightsaber battle in Episode 2 between Yoda and Dooku. Yoda was beating Palpatine, which is why he started throwing all those Senators' seats at him. Yoda was more than a match for Palpatine, but in the end, Palp was just luckier. Once he fell, he could have just as easily gotten back up and gone after Palp again, but he knew there was no reason to wear himself out like that; stormtroopers were coming, and Yoda couldn't fight Palp and the troops.
Anyway, I used to like Vader many years ago, but I switched to the Emperor because he's all bad. Vader betrays too easily, and I hate backstabbers. So the Emperor's been my favorite for quite a while now. But if we include the extended universe... Thrawn comes in first place, then Kreia, then the Emperor at a close third.
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 1:22 am
by CopperWater
Chewbacca all the way. He is a sidekick and a dog rolled into one. Plus he has a crossbow that shoots lazers. I realy dont like the 'episode' starwars but I am going to see episode 3 since I saw a whole mess of wookies running around.
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:52 pm
by Master Joliath
LAndo Calrisian! HELLO!!! He's a drinker, a gambler, and owns his own city! He kicks %&#!!! Seconds Boba Fett. Why? Because he's bobba fett. And third Han Solo. He has his priorities in order!!!
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 12:06 am
by Ripe
[QUOTE=Master Joliath]LAndo Calrisian! HELLO!!! He's a drinker, a gambler, and owns his own city! He kicks %&#!!! Seconds Boba Fett. Why? Because he's bobba fett. And third Han Solo. He has his priorities in order!!!
Oh winning a city in sabbac game is good, but winning an actual planet is even better. And Han won a planet in a sabbac game that he planed to give as a weding present to Leia, but unfortunatly planet was location od Imperial shipyard so naturaly, Han had to go there and evict Imperials from his property.
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 4:37 am
by penguin_king
my fave is mace windu. youve got to sympathise, hes the only black jedi, and he gets a pink lightsaber. thats a multicultural galaxy for you.
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:27 am
by Chimaera182
That's violet, not pink.
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 11:25 am
by hellmaker
Yoda though Anakin before becomin' Darth Vader was very nice if only he could have combinted hatred and love in harmony he would have been the ultimate jedi
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 12:18 am
by Ripe
[QUOTE=penguin_king]my fave is mace windu. youve got to sympathise, hes the only black jedi, and he gets a pink lightsaber. thats a multicultural galaxy for you.[/QUOTE]
It's multicultural because it had multiple SPECIES not multiple races of human or any other species.
And besides he's not only black jedi - he is only black jedi that got significant screen time (than again other than Obi-Wan, Anakin and Yoda no other jedi got big time on screen - just a few seconds before death).
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:02 am
by Admo
Yeah, although there were a lot of familiar faces, that you knew when you saw them - Yaddle (female Yoda!), Yarael Poof, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, etc etc.
But yeah, since Mace, along with Yoda, were the most senior and respected members of the council, he got more screen-time (and a good thing that was, Mace is easily the coolest of all the Jedi).
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:35 am
by Echuu Shen-Jon
Like i said my first second without a doubt would have to be mace windu,because he was the most powerful guardian on the council,kills jango fett,was the creator of Vaapad(lightsaber form mastered only by windu,Depa Billaba,and Sora Bulq even though depa and sora fall to the darkside),and he quickly out dueled Sidious.My third favorite would have to be Darth Traya,because she does that thing where she levitates three lightsabers at the end of kotor2,and one thing i noticed is that at the end of kotor2 when you ask her about the Mandalorians she says:''They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and, in the end, the shell of their armor upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi."This references both the fact that Jango Fett wore Mandalorian body armor and during the battle of Geonosis was slain easiely by windu.
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 3:43 am
by Ripe
[QUOTE=Echuu Shen-Jon]...and he quickly out dueled Sidious.[/QUOTE]
Not to take away from Mace's achivements but I think that you should know that general feel about that duel is that Palpatine let himself look beaten by Mace (after all he killed Agen, Saesee and Kit in just a few seconds) so he could appear helpless in Anakin's eyes (he remembered Anakin's coment after killing Dooku that killing helpless prisoners is not a Jedi way) so that Anankin would do what he did. That's quite a gamble from his part but a gamble that succeded.
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:23 am
by Echuu Shen-Jon
That is true,and palpatine made anankin remember how his mom died and told him he could prevent Padme's death but would have to become a dark jedi and knew he would come to his aid where he would find him helpless and wounded and he could finally convince him to join the dark side.Plus after the fight he used the damage windu did to him when windu deflected his lightning to convince the Senate to support the Galactic Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire, thus beginning the Galactic Civil War,so yeah in the end paplatine basicly used windu to create his empire.But i think that in just saber to saber combat windu would out duel palpatine.