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Cartography and Walkthrough project

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 11:06 am
by Asterik
I haven't found a major collection of maps anywhere, just a few scattered about.. so I'm going to break out paintshop and get to work based on what I've already mapped out in my head..

ulm - fathien keep
- 80% known
lobby, secret (push brick) treasure room, treasure in towers, lord elder fathian, decus? fathien (patrol route), lower catacombs ('sewer' like area), armory, locked route to treasure and jumping puzzle to prison area (rescue son quest)
- 0% drawn

north gate fargrove sewers / theatre route
- 90% known
from falling entry, to first ladder, to first goblin catapult at bridge, to bridge
key area, through basement of theatre, to second floor of theatre, to first floor of theatre (main room, goblin wizards, catapult and troll), to upstairs exit
-0% drawn

fargrove monastary catacombs
- 75% known
from entry gate (outside), skeleton rise points, front door, stairwell 1, stairwell 2, first turn wooden floor trap, route to stone face, route to demon guardian of magic word, various other treasure points
- 0% drawn

- 60% known
thunderin hammer blacksmith guy, arena & ticket booth, nether magic dog guy, vartugg's fortress, route to vartugg inside fortress, north gate, south gate
(doesn't really look like much to know)
- 0% drawn

- 100% known
the inn, room with tiger quest girl, note lack of area to 'camp', route to west to ulm, route south to fargrove, temple of empyrian (celestial), moon bridge, hall of lords, house of tiger, great tower, hall of weapons, apothecary, north route to moon isle and talendor
- 0% drawn

arindale trial of eldars
- 100% known
from inside hall of lords, to jumping trial, tricks to get that guy not to block you when you try to jump, trial of uh.. 'boldness' and balance, how to get the bridges to pop up and what to do if you fall off, trial of fire, tricks to get less guys to spawn, place to stand where fireball wizard guy can't hit you, which elevator to take up to get out
- 0% drawn

- 90% known
north 'gate' (theatre entrance), garrison district, palace gate, davenmor palace first floor, palace upstairs, west gate, jail, cell with guild of mystery guy, town center, rescue guy area, alister's magic place, moon gate dragon temple, gypsy camp, fargrove inn, south gate, arms of argus, entrance to slums district, monastary entrance
- 0% drawn

fargrove slums
- 85% known
curio shop, haunted mansion, haunted mansion 'basement' dungeon
- 0% drawn

fargrove monastary
- 100% known
rescue girl area, celestial temple interior, celestine area, alter basement area, gate to graveyard and catacombs
- 0% drawn

moon isle
- 100% known
celestial (shrine?) structure in middle, lack of any quick entry/exit, primary spawn points of moon beasts
- 0% drawn

global map
- 75% known
various celestial shrines, rune shrine thing, rothn camp in bolen fields, black swamp, mage(?) quest, budoka quest guy, monk quest guy, marauder quest guy, samurai quest guy, sugenja quest guy, talendor, talendor moon bridge, northern steppes moon bridge, forbidden lands moon bridge, a few routes 'up' to places you're not supposed to be
- 0% drawn

vale of ruin
- 10% known
well, I walked around it from above, and got attacked by a drake and something else nasty
- 0% drawn

naga temple
- 60% known
entry room, left n right passages, huge stairwell, various treasure points, naga fountain things, various traps, floor opening traps, easy route around some swinging axes and stuff, eye of the beholder room, gigantic snake pit, jumping puzzle, lever bridge puzzle, uhh.. this'll be a big multi-layer map, all the way down to valdane graemere, that I'll have to draw out by hand while I explore first.. hurts to remember it all, can't keep it in order, spent about 3 sessions 3 consecutive hours each in there before I found valdane. haven't found gas mask. :\
- 0% drawn

If ya know something I don't, let me know, need the exact location of various places near the northern steppes, near rune shrine.. the one with the guardian talking demon face, the one with the talking trees - grove of something, they hate fleshlings? need help with battlefield of the dead

I also know some points where treasure chests are deep under water..

there is also a place where a dungeon is half sunken - referenced to in some line of speach..

.. if they didn't say 'however' so much, and they all didn't sound like the same guy, it'd be easier to remember it all ..
heh.. I really remember the king of rothn's final statement - was freaky - 'I place the fate of Fargrove in your hands'..
sometimes the text is different than the speach, but most of the time I skip the speach.

if ya have any questions about how to get past anything, try to describe where you are, and I'll quote your post and help you out..

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:13 pm
by morganwj
Naga Gas Maze

I don't seem to be able to find my way out of the maze. There appears to be two levers which I have in the down direction. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks for all your work!!! :confused:

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:30 pm
by Asterik
in the naga gas maze.. not the swinging axes?
are you in a hallway or in a room?
I don't directly remember a gas maze and two levers being associated..
any doors?

can you give me the relative locations, like.. for example
the first switch is on the north wall, the second switch is on the west wall, the gas sprayers are to the south... ?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:03 pm
by Asterik

I'm trying to draw a map of arindale, but I have no expirience here...
I'm not any good at judging distance, so right now it looks like crap.
Does anyone know how to get the player's coordinates out of the game?
I've looked in autoexec.kbd and cheats.kbd and saw a reference to 'debug', and I'm going to expiriment with that.

The game rewrites the kbd files per launch. Modified the keys in the exe - now even though I *know* it's executing debug and fly, there is still no effect. the debug.log isn't any more helpful, and is there even if not 'in debug mode'..
Found a series of 3 32bit floating point values relating to coordinates, X (+North, -South), Y (+East, -West), Z (+Up, -Down) @ 02F15740
Camera coordinates are at 02E31FC8, format Z X Y (?), but not relative to player, absolute position, perhaps I can do a little transform with the knowledge of these two sets to locate the offset values that indicate yaw and pitch.. which would be useful for making a flight hack, getting the direction you want to travel.. erm hum..

..starting coordinates appear to be relative to loaded map, but not size per unit (1 square unit arindale is always 1 square unit in fargrove), starting in north forest is always exactly X 1,000,000 Y 1,500,000..

maybe I should branch off of this thread and make a new one?

(update) ... hp?t=22541

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 6:25 pm
by Asterik
just a followup, preliminary work is done.. ... hp?t=22541
downloadable and whatnot.. if anyone would be willing to make some dungeon maps "to scale" with me, let me know.