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Can't Leave Emmindor at Great Tower
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 5:18 pm
by SnowTiger
I have finally returned to Arindale with the armour etc and rec'd mirror.
I was granted access to Emmindor and gave Horn etc.
Now I am supposed to go to Terrindor (or something like that) to old castle ruins (I do know where it is and how to get there).
My problem is that I can't seem to get out of the Tower.
I have stood, jumped, back-flipped and everything else on the round elevator that brought me to the top of the tower to meet Emmindor, but it will not take me back down.
Am I missing something critical here ???
There doesn't seem to be anything else I can do in the tower (fairly empty room).
I will keep trying but it appears to be a possible game bug ??
Any suggestions anyone ???
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 5:23 pm
by Frodo1
I hate to say this but it sounds like a bug to me. There is no reason that this should happen. The only thing I can suggest is to make sure you got a quest from hom. Did the evil mage appear and did you send him off with the horn?
Good luck, I hope you have a recent save game.
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 6:23 pm
by SnowTiger
Leaving Emmindor and Tower
Hello Frodo1
The evil dude did appear and I did invoke the horn. He killed me and left.
Then Emmindor told me to leave (for next mission).
Unfortunately for me, I saved in the tower just after he told me to leave.
The only other saves I have are from a Long Time Ago (I'd have to start completely over basically ... not too big on that idea).
If this matter is not resolved by next patch, I am going to demand my money back. I have NEVER ever seen so many problems with any software in my life as with this game.... i.e. no map !! what's up with that ?
Thanks for your comments Frodo1
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:43 pm
by Aveia-Quaker
Try to speak with him again and jump a few times at the elevator... I've got stuck there for about 30 minutes... yes... it's ONE MORE BUG
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:49 pm
by SnowTiger
Stuck In Tower w/Emmindor
Hello Aveia-Quaker
Thanks for the reply.
In fact, I have tried both re-talking with Emmindor (who just repeats telling me to "hit the road"), and have jumped up and down on the lift (and front/back flips etc).
However, I have not yet tried that for any length of time past 5 minutes. I have nothing to lose by giving the game more time to align itself and maybe work correctly.
In the meantime, I screwed up and made a save over Trial of Elders while in the tower with Emmindor (where I have a separate and far more advanced charactor saved), so I have lost all my qualifications
Had to start all over with Trial of Elders and on my way back to the Tombs.
It really SUCKS to have to redo it all again. Especially this time because I have had more difficulty beating some charactors than I had the first time and have gained less advancement stats.
Anyway, I thank both you and Frodo1 for taking the time to offer your assistance. I guess my option (besides just starting all over again or from where I am with a different save) is to just put the game away for a while until another Patch comes out (supposed to be soon for 1.2 and 1.3) and hope that it/they not only correct the prob but also permit me to use previous saves without loosing them when the patch is installed leaving me to start everything over completely from the very beginning.
Good luck to all.
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 6:13 am
by redsuns86
i have the same problem bored with this game..bunch of bugs..
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 6:42 am
by redsuns86
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:36 am
by SnowTiger
I have tried everything possible to do in the Tower to no avail.
I have started over with Trial of Elders and now in the Tombs.
Of course, now that I am in the Tombs and almost finished finding everything (again), now the blasted game is crashing every few minutes.
I think I have had enough of this game.
I intend to send a serious complaint to the manufacturers. They should be ashamed to have put a game out that has so many probs and not tested. Futhermore, knowing that there are many serious problems, they should be working around the clock to ensure patches are (tested) available ASAP.
I have never had software with this many glitches.
They have lost my vote and my business for the future.
I spend approx. $500 - $1000 on games per year (because I don't have a life .. hehe !).
Thanks for the help everyone. Hope to see some of you in other forums.
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:57 am
by madmawwakester
Same problem at Emmindor
I have tried to get back into emmindor's but his lacky is stuck at the door and will not move. I save alot so i went back to a previous save and found this lacky is stuck there also. Any help as to how to get him unstuck. Stuck in Utah
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:10 pm
by Captan
Bugs, bugs, bugs
i read bugs here, bugs there and i'm up to level 15, stuck in Dungeon Moors on Valdane quest and the only bugs i got came from my ignorance, solutions to all problems are found with a little try.
Only problem i found in the Great Tower was that i couldn't find all those spells Emmindor was talking about, that didn't disturb me cause spells are found everywhere.
Anyways this game is playable, and hints are welcome from the bests, but efforts are gifts of glory.
It so happened, that i too was unable to leave Emmindor's room, but perseverance got me out of there and on my way to Tallindor.