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Experiencing a bug... rather annoying really.

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Luis Antonio
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Experiencing a bug... rather annoying really.

Post by Luis Antonio »

OK. So I decided to play tactics again. Default operations: Uninstall, clear directory, re-install vanilla game, update, mod it with weidu mods (ascension, tactics, redemption, ease of use, sola, valen and underepresented items) and run the game. The entire proccess was ok, at least till the time when I pressed the run game button.

OK. First, it would run the game with the movies going really slow. But no problem with that. When I start a new game and enter the character creation screen, I notice the game is kinda slow. My bet is that it is because of the mods. Ok Ok. The game is about to start... it starts loading the first sequence... and the game locks! The sistem crashes and there is no way to return to windows. I tried this three times, and only once could I open the windows command window to force close the game - and CPU usage was 100% at all times.

I thought "instalation bug, or mod bug". Unninstalled, re-installed, patched (vanilla game) and started a new game. Once again, bug.

Now I dont really know what is happening, but it happens every time the game should start running on Irenicus dungeon. My previous instalation of BG had TuTu, I dont know if Tutu changes registry entries, or something that could destroy my other installs.

I've attempted all kinds of configuration on the settings menu. All that changed, was when I used 3d acceleration the screen would go black and the sound would start after char creation...

I'm really disapointed now, really... can somoene enlight me?
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Post by tamenrot »

Have you tried formatting your pc and reinstalling all your components? ;)
I'm joking :) Your bug is really tough :(

If there's a problem with graphics, perhaps reinstalling the latest graphic card drivers could do. Maybe some shared .dll was corrupted after uninstalling the game.
Has the Easy of Use mod a part that quits the game video sequences? (it will maybe solve the problem, though wouldn't explain the reason of crashing).

Perhaps you could uninstall all again and take a look at the registry to delete any keys related (backup, of course). Maybe check it automatically with some registry cleaner, too.
Other way of action could be uninstall and reinstall all components, including patches, one-by-one, cheking all of them.

I'd check the graphics card drivers first, all the way :)

Sorry if I can help you more. Hope somebody can help more! :)
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Re-installed the game under win 98 (I was using xp) and gave him an older graphic driver. The game is running. Thanks ;)

Now, however, I do have a sound issue... I'm really disapointed, the sounds stutters all the time and everyone speaks very very very slowly... Any extra hints?
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Post by fable »

I don't recall the Win98 location for it, but try a different setting on your audio cache. That should help.
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Post by Denethorn »

Plus a defrag might do the trick ;) The simplest things are often the solution.
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Post by tamenrot »

First, you could check the sound configuration of the baldur's (using the bgconfig.exe). Perhaps there are too many ambient sounds and sound effects for your sound card and chip to support.

I that doesn't work, also try to check the sound card drivers and DirectX updates and configuration (sound acceleration) :)
And if previously the game worked on win98 and now it doesn't, it could be a problem concerning windows (defrag, as Denethorn suggests, and if it does not work... format).

Hope it will help you! :)
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Ok ok, I've changed the values of sound cache, after a struggle to find the proper place to change it, and things went better - but not optimal still. Then I've lowered completely the sound slider on BG config - and the game runs just fine without sound at all :p . But of course, half of the fun has gone away. Next step was raising the sound (internal game command) of the sfx, and everything went just fine. Then I've raised voices. Ok. Then I've raised ambient sounds: stuttering again. Lowered it, and I'm playing it only with voices and sfx, and movie sounds, of course. Its kinda frustrating, but I still need to patch windows 98 (havent done that still).

When attempting to defrag the hard drive I was informed the drive is not fragmented, so I've chosen to avoid that step.

Thanks all for the help, if the win patches help on solving this issue, I'll post here later.
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