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Winter Dagger - does nothing?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:33 pm
by toddhd
Somewhere in the game I found a blue-looking "Winter Dagger", and also a "Poison Dagger" (not sure of the name on that one). Anyway, it doesn't seem to "do" anything special. I kinda figured I'd be freezing people while attacking them, but no. I also tried the poison dagger with the same results.
And yes, I have something like 9 points in my "Use Magic Weapon" skill.

Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong? If it makes a difference, I do dual weild light weapons, and used it as my second weapon.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:37 pm
by Zed Zorander
That's the problem! Magic weapons only work in your primary hand :mad:

I discovered the same thing. Try the dagger in your main hand and notice its effects :)