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I'm seeking some ShadowKeeper help: I want to make Imoen a 10th level Thief

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:33 am
by krunchyfrogg
...and I'd like to add and redistribute some skill points of hers, obviously.

Now, I've figured out how to do the skill points thing, that was no problem. I just need to figure out how to make her a 10th level thief, with the appropriate Hit Points (I think I can figure that part out) and see if her THAC0 wouuld be affected.

The reason I want to make her a 10th level Thief and change some skill points is because I want to make her closer to the character I played through BGI:TotSC.


Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:56 pm
by tamenrot
I was going to recommend you the mud-master forum, but I see you've already posted :p :)

I'm not sure, but think I've read that when you put experience to your character (shadowkeeping), all the characteristics are automatically modified when you reach a new level (mmmm... I think I didn't read this, it could be "if you put a THACO to your character without addding experience, when it reaches a new level THACO is readjusted to the corresponding level", so it's of no use shadowkeep it...).

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:58 pm
by SP101
Easiest way to do it :

Set level to 0.
Set Thac0 to 20.
Set Hit Points to 1
Set thieving abilities to 0
Make her a singleclassed thief
Give her enough EXP to hit lvl10 (CLUAConsole is faster than SK for this one)
Level-up (this will gives you profiencies and thieving abilities, and ajust Thac0 and HP too).

With this, you'll lack only the profiencies givent at creation (lvl0). Just try to make a new thief with BG2 (lvl 7-8?). Since thieves gain profiencies every (4?) levels, substract (charLEVEL / 4) from the total profiencies. Add the given number of profiencies, via SK, to your lvl10 char (Should be 1 or 2...).

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:59 am
by lompo
Remember that if you change her at the beginning, you will have to change her again after you have rescued her. So why don't you just instal one of the mods that automatically changes Imoen to a lev. 10 swashbuckler dualled to Mage?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:48 pm
by VonDondu
To expand on SP101's post, here are some pointers.

Open a saved game in Shadowkeeper and scroll to Imoen's page. On the first tab, you should set Imoen's level and experience to 0. You don't need to worry about her THAC0; that will be adjusted automatically. It's not a good idea to set her hit points to 1 when she's in Irenicus's dungeon, because she'll think she's dying and she'll run away. You can recapture her with Ctrl-Q, but she'll still have an extra hit point when you're finished editing her, so you might as well edit her hit points after you have levelled her up.

On the second tab, you need to change her class to Thief and kit to Swashbuckler. On the next few tabs, you need to remove her innate abilities (Set Traps) and all of her proficiency points and thieving points. You don't need to worry about her saving throws; they will be adjusted automatically.

When you start the game, Imoen will automatically level up to 1st Level. You'll select her proficiencies and thieving skills. She will automatically receive her Swashbuckler bonuses, and her THAC0, saving throws, etc. will be automatically adjusted. You can either use the CLUAConsole or Shadowkeeper to raise her experience points. (I think she needs 500,000 points to reach 10th Level.) If you use Shadowkeeper, you can also edit her hit points. (A 10th Level Thief has a maximum of 60 hit points excluding the Constitution bonus.) Then you can proceed to dual her to a Mage. You'll have to select her spells, so I'm not sure if her spellbook gets erased when you edit her. In any case, if she has to scribe all of her spells all over again, you'll get a lot of experience that way.

BTW, the Swashbuckler bonuses take effect through the addition of Effects on the "Affects" tab. You'll see Imoen's base THAC0 on the first tab, and you'll see the Swashbuckler Effects on the "Affects" tab after she has levelled up as a Swashbuckler.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:45 pm
by krunchyfrogg
Wow, thanks everybody! Those are some creative ways of doing it.

I figured an easier way, though: On her first screen, you can just change her levels. I changed her thief level from 7 to 10, added 90 thieving skill points, and gave her 6 more hit points.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:46 pm
by VonDondu
Sorry, I thought you wanted Imoen to be a Swashbuckler dualled to a Mage after reading lompo's post.

There are two problems with simply changing her level and adding hit points and thieving points. First of all, her thieving points and proficiency points are not correct to begin with (Bioware messed up), so you're starting with the wrong numbers. Furthermore, you might not get the correct saving throws and THAC0 or the correct number of innate abilities. Going through the process of levelling her up like a player-created character ensures that everything is the way it's supposed to be.

If you'd prefer to edit her directly, one way to make sure that everything is correct is to create a dummy character that you roll up yourself and compare all of the dummy's stats to Imoen's. But that takes more effort than editing Imoen the way that SP101 and I suggested.

But if you got what you wanted, that's all that counts. Have fun!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:07 am
by lompo
[QUOTE=VonDondu]You can either use the CLUAConsole or Shadowkeeper to raise her experience points. (I think she needs 500,000 points to reach 10th Level.) [/QUOTE]

Actually she needs 160k pt. to get to 10th lev. (as if she has done ToSC), so correctly Imoen should be a 10th lev. thief/1st lev. mage when you get her in Irenicus dungeon.

For Krunchy, remember that you'll have to make all that process again when you will get Imoen back, because the game wan't keep your modifications.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 5:13 am
by VonDondu
Sorry, I was thinking of 10th Level Fighter.