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Stuck without solution? plz HELP !

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:12 pm
by TanToOmaS
(Forgive my english Im Spanish)

Hi, Im new in the game and thanks to you I could go on in the game many times but i have a problem, I were in Arindale and I am doing the Ulm quest but in the lower level I am stuck just between the room with four levers wanting to exit because I have already the armor but the problem is that when i was entering i closed exit door in order to keep enemies away and now that i have finished i cannot exit because the door is closed and there is no way to open it. I have read in the walkthrough that there is no way to escape so I ASK if someone has done the same and if someone know a way to exit because i have not other saved game and start again is too much plZ help me with some kind of no clip trick or something plZ i want to continue the game is really cool.

Plz Help !!


Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:23 pm
by DrAgOnS_TaIl
I know where you're at and I know what you've done.

I hope you saved to a previous spot in the game cause as far as I know there isn't anyother way. When you open a door leave it open cause it gets rougher down the line in the game. I know of no escape from your position although if you can try this....go to the sides of the archways where the door is closed you may just be able to get the little message at the bottom of the screen saying "lock" you should still have the key to open it if that occurs. I hope this works for you. Good Luck.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:17 am
by TanToOmaS
I have been trying it

I have been trying it and it is impossible no way to open the door as you said. Anybody plZ know other solution or just something to try with any possibility plZ, let me know.


Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:28 am
by Cyndre
I don't know if it works but try it (nothing to loose).Remember the pillars that you have to jump to get to veritan?if you jump down insteed you get to a room with a chest underwater if i remember anywayz i think you can get yourself out from another door if you turn to the left as you swim out of the room.i say again this may not work i don't remember the dungeon very much hope it helps and you don't return to the same door.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:14 am
by TanToOmaS
What pillars? and who is Veritan? plz explain yourself better Im not english.


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:32 pm
by TanToOmaS
Plz any solution ? I dont want to restart !

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:54 pm
by swcarter
Well, if you've waited this long... you could try waiting a little longer. The 1.2 patch might come out this week, and perhaps it will fix the door so it can be opened fromt he southern side.

But my guess is that you're just stuck, and you'll have to start over. The game gives you ten save slots, and you should use them all.