Weapon Brakedown for Gothic 1/2 (Spoilers inside)
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:38 pm
This will contain major spoilers about the games in general, weapons, monsters ETC, do not read if you mind spoilers. You where warned.
The main weapon styles in Gothic are 1handed melle, 2handed melle, bow and crossbow, each has benefits and penalties, so in the end its more of a matter of preferance which you chose, however i will outline the basics of each, and my oppinion on them.
There is a differance in the way the sytem is handled in gothic 1 vs gothic 2, i will outline that in their sections.
Gothic 1
In Gothic 1, you NEED to have mastery of 1handed weapons to be able to train 2handed, UNLESS you wait for the chance to train with Lee in the new camp, he will teach you 2handed weapons without the need to learn 1handed first, this is very useful for archer characters who want a good melle weapon.
The % listed next to your weapon is the chance you have of scoring a critical hit with a melle weapon, this aplies your strength to your weapon damage.
Since ranged weapons already add dexterity to their damage, the % is a bonus to accuracy, this helps a lot when shooting targets that are moving or far away.
That beeing said the new camp is the quickest and best way for an archer to succeed since Wolf will also teach you Bow in the new camp.
The old camp is the best for standard rank and file soldiers who want to take crossbow as a suport skill, old campers will have the fastest access to a crossbow trainer (to magic as well, but thats unrelated).
The sect camp is best for pure melle fighters since they lack ranged weapons trainers they get some magic to compensate for that, its not really worth mentioning but some of it can prove quite useful.
The worst choice in the game IMO, finding a good 1handed weapon is very hard untill later on in the game, the best 1hander will never be a match for the best 2hander. As a bonus they attack and block a lot faster then 2handers, BUT since you can only block armed opponents, you might find that beeing able to block fast is useless, in general 1handers dont deal enough damage to keep pace with where they should be.
King of melle, the best weapon in the game is 2handed, the good parts of them is that they deal a LOT of damage are common to find, the bad parts are that, at any level less then master they are frustrating to use due to the slow attack animations, they are also expensive to buy, block slower and cost a lot more points to train, much more so if you dont train with Lee. (you need to master 1handed and then start with 2handed this wastes close to 11 levels if i remeber right)
Bows suffer the same problems as 1handers, they are fast, but a good bow is hard to find, because of that, archers will generaly want to stick to crossbows, they are usable however, and make a perfect compliment for a new camper.
Crossbows are identical to 2handers, they are slower, deal more damage, but they are very hard to find untill later on in the game, generaly the best weapon for a ranged fighter is a crossbow (excluding magic of course)
The system is a bit different in Gothic2, you can train any weapon skill to 100%, this like in gothic1 is the chance to score a critical with a melle weapon, or the accuracy bonus to a ranged weapon.
However, the catch is that your skills cannot be more then 30% apart from its counterpart, that meens that to get 100% in 2handed weapons you need to have at least 70% in 1handers, this is true both ways but ONLY for weapons of the same class, your bow/crossbow wont affect your 1or2handed skill or stop it from progressing, or the other way around.
They are usable in the game, however its advisable only to Mercenaries since their best 1hander beats the Paladins 1hander by 20 damage points. They are fast and good for blocking, a solid choice for the game in general, more so for a Mercenary then for anyone else.
Since the 1handers got a boost from gothic1 2handers arent as good as they used to be, for a melle paladin its the weapon of choice, as they 2hander is better then their 1hander by a lot, Mercenaries can use them as well, their best two hander does a WOPPING 110 damage per swing, however, 1handers are a VERY viable choice for them as well.
Bows are generaly good for Mercenaries since they have access to the trainers faster then to crossbow ones, in gothic2 the differance betwen bows and crossbows is almost inexistent, bows shoot faster and are slightly more accurate this makes them better for people who want to use a bow all the time, since they shoot faster they are better at close combat, and a miss wont affect you too much, and the accuracy bonus is a HUGE plus even though its a slight one.
Good for Paladins, again because its conveniant as they have access to the trainers faster, crossbows are slower do more damage and and are less accurate then bows, its also good to note that Crossbows require a LOT less dexterity then a bow, this makes them better for melle fighters who want a ranged weapon just in case but wont rely on it.
Anyway thats about it, hope someone finds this usefull, just trying to bring some life in this forum.
The main weapon styles in Gothic are 1handed melle, 2handed melle, bow and crossbow, each has benefits and penalties, so in the end its more of a matter of preferance which you chose, however i will outline the basics of each, and my oppinion on them.
There is a differance in the way the sytem is handled in gothic 1 vs gothic 2, i will outline that in their sections.
Gothic 1
In Gothic 1, you NEED to have mastery of 1handed weapons to be able to train 2handed, UNLESS you wait for the chance to train with Lee in the new camp, he will teach you 2handed weapons without the need to learn 1handed first, this is very useful for archer characters who want a good melle weapon.
The % listed next to your weapon is the chance you have of scoring a critical hit with a melle weapon, this aplies your strength to your weapon damage.
Since ranged weapons already add dexterity to their damage, the % is a bonus to accuracy, this helps a lot when shooting targets that are moving or far away.
That beeing said the new camp is the quickest and best way for an archer to succeed since Wolf will also teach you Bow in the new camp.
The old camp is the best for standard rank and file soldiers who want to take crossbow as a suport skill, old campers will have the fastest access to a crossbow trainer (to magic as well, but thats unrelated).
The sect camp is best for pure melle fighters since they lack ranged weapons trainers they get some magic to compensate for that, its not really worth mentioning but some of it can prove quite useful.
The worst choice in the game IMO, finding a good 1handed weapon is very hard untill later on in the game, the best 1hander will never be a match for the best 2hander. As a bonus they attack and block a lot faster then 2handers, BUT since you can only block armed opponents, you might find that beeing able to block fast is useless, in general 1handers dont deal enough damage to keep pace with where they should be.
King of melle, the best weapon in the game is 2handed, the good parts of them is that they deal a LOT of damage are common to find, the bad parts are that, at any level less then master they are frustrating to use due to the slow attack animations, they are also expensive to buy, block slower and cost a lot more points to train, much more so if you dont train with Lee. (you need to master 1handed and then start with 2handed this wastes close to 11 levels if i remeber right)
Bows suffer the same problems as 1handers, they are fast, but a good bow is hard to find, because of that, archers will generaly want to stick to crossbows, they are usable however, and make a perfect compliment for a new camper.
Crossbows are identical to 2handers, they are slower, deal more damage, but they are very hard to find untill later on in the game, generaly the best weapon for a ranged fighter is a crossbow (excluding magic of course)
The system is a bit different in Gothic2, you can train any weapon skill to 100%, this like in gothic1 is the chance to score a critical with a melle weapon, or the accuracy bonus to a ranged weapon.
However, the catch is that your skills cannot be more then 30% apart from its counterpart, that meens that to get 100% in 2handed weapons you need to have at least 70% in 1handers, this is true both ways but ONLY for weapons of the same class, your bow/crossbow wont affect your 1or2handed skill or stop it from progressing, or the other way around.
They are usable in the game, however its advisable only to Mercenaries since their best 1hander beats the Paladins 1hander by 20 damage points. They are fast and good for blocking, a solid choice for the game in general, more so for a Mercenary then for anyone else.
Since the 1handers got a boost from gothic1 2handers arent as good as they used to be, for a melle paladin its the weapon of choice, as they 2hander is better then their 1hander by a lot, Mercenaries can use them as well, their best two hander does a WOPPING 110 damage per swing, however, 1handers are a VERY viable choice for them as well.
Bows are generaly good for Mercenaries since they have access to the trainers faster then to crossbow ones, in gothic2 the differance betwen bows and crossbows is almost inexistent, bows shoot faster and are slightly more accurate this makes them better for people who want to use a bow all the time, since they shoot faster they are better at close combat, and a miss wont affect you too much, and the accuracy bonus is a HUGE plus even though its a slight one.
Good for Paladins, again because its conveniant as they have access to the trainers faster, crossbows are slower do more damage and and are less accurate then bows, its also good to note that Crossbows require a LOT less dexterity then a bow, this makes them better for melle fighters who want a ranged weapon just in case but wont rely on it.
Anyway thats about it, hope someone finds this usefull, just trying to bring some life in this forum.