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Start New Game - Do we lose other game stats ?
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:22 am
by SnowTiger
If we start a new game, do we loose all of the saves and stats of the old game ?
In other words, if I am playing a game and my daughter also wants to play, do I loose my game when she starts a new game for herself ?
OR is there an option to name and save the game name (such as the option to multi-save during the game with difference save names) ?
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:01 am
by blueray
it won't affect anything if your daughter save in another save slot. I'm not sure if anything will happen if she use the same character as yours and start a new game (this game is so unpredictable), but theoratically as long as she save in to another slot, the saves will not interfere each other.
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:17 pm
by avguru
I have to completely separate games going and they work fine - I use the saves on one side for one game and the saves on the other side for the second game.
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:40 pm
by Zed Zorander
Old save games work perfectly
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:39 pm
by Kel
Protecting Save Games
HI ALL.....
You can protect your game saves even if multiple people are
playing the same game. Create a second save game folder
and name it something like ' mandy save ' and when you want
to play you just change your save file name ' dad save' to
' save ' after you have renamed the current save file to
' mandy save '. Mandy is my youngest niece of my youngest
sister who I helped raise and she does play on my computer
when they are in town.
NOTE: I always make a backup of the current Save folder 1st
(first) and label it accordingly as my nephew Ben may want to
I have created folders named after each player and it is their
responsibility to save their own games to their folders when
they are done and to load them before they start. I also use
Stenographer's Notepad that they have to use to login when we
are all playing the same game and all of this includes me and they
let me know if I forget and I double back up my most current save
for saftey sake.
So, multilple players can play the same game and it is a little bit of
a pain but I look at it this way and that is that I am teaching them
to backup their files before getting off the computer.