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Newbie thinking about buying the game

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Newbie thinking about buying the game

Post by bariumdose »

Hello, everyone,

I saw the game in the clearance section of Best Buy for $10. I'm debating whether to buy it, since I've read mixed reviews of the game. I'm into Temple of Elemental Evil right now and love ToEE's game engine. Is PoR comparable in playability, user-friendly interfaces, etc? Or, is there another D&D clone out there that I should be aware of? I need my monster fodder fix!

Also, I've heard good and bad about installing the Patch 1.4. Any opinions? Should I patch or not patch?

Many thanks for your insight.
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Post by Magrus »

I have the game, can't find anywhere to download the patch from. No server I've found is up and has it anymore. :( I can't play the thing with how slow it is, which you need the patch in order to get the little speed patch on top of that so I can't access that. My copy's sitting in a box somewhere chalked up to a waste of money. Just my opinion though.
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Post by bariumdose »


I thought you could download the patch from this PoR forum on GameBanshee. Or, does the forum link you to a nonexistent server?

[QUOTE=Magrus]I have the game, can't find anywhere to download the patch from. No server I've found is up and has it anymore. :( I can't play the thing with how slow it is, which you need the patch in order to get the little speed patch on top of that so I can't access that. My copy's sitting in a box somewhere chalked up to a waste of money. Just my opinion though.[/QUOTE]
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Post by Magrus »

Every link I've found, including this one doesn't allow me to. I dunno if that was a temporary thing or not, but I dug around on the web and all of them failed. Most sites stopped hosting the downloaded it said. The rest just timed out, so I'm assuming that's the same problem.
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Post by bariumdose »

hey, thanks for the heads up

Well, I guess that does it for me. I'll probably pass on buying the game if it's so buggy without the patch. Thanks again.

[QUOTE=Magrus]Every link I've found, including this one doesn't allow me to. I dunno if that was a temporary thing or not, but I dug around on the web and all of them failed. Most sites stopped hosting the downloaded it said. The rest just timed out, so I'm assuming that's the same problem.[/QUOTE]
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Post by bariumdose »

Patch link

Did you try this link?

It has the version 1.3 patch, not the 1.4 that was posted on this forum.

[QUOTE=Magrus]Every link I've found, including this one doesn't allow me to. I dunno if that was a temporary thing or not, but I dug around on the web and all of them failed. Most sites stopped hosting the downloaded it said. The rest just timed out, so I'm assuming that's the same problem.[/QUOTE]
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Post by Magrus »

Both the 1.4 and 1.3 patches simply don't pop up with a download. Maybe it's my firewall settings, but the little window pops up that says "please wait and click here if download doesn't start right away". So I wait, and nothing happens. About 30 seconds later, I click. Then I wait 5 minutes, and nothing. :rolleyes:
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Post by bariumdose »


Grumble, grumble! That sucks, man!

It's just awful how game companies release bugged software willy-nilly. I remember back in the old days when games were all hard-wired into hardware - I don't ever recall getting bugs when playing those games.

It could be ur firewall settings. U might want to try turning it off and then downloading the patch.

[QUOTE=Magrus]Both the 1.4 and 1.3 patches simply don't pop up with a download. Maybe it's my firewall settings, but the little window pops up that says "please wait and click here if download doesn't start right away". So I wait, and nothing happens. About 30 seconds later, I click. Then I wait 5 minutes, and nothing. :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]
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Post by jopperm2 »

Mine works fine without a patch. It's fast too!
My only problem is that I have choppy sound on cinematics, no biggy. I think it has to do with my directX version anyway.
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Post by Magrus »

All of my guys look like John madden's suddenly gotten drunk and trying to make sense of their work on the screen. They stumble about at the speed of 400lb midget with 1 leg. If there's ever been a more frustrating RPG to date due to speed, I haven't found one. :mad:

The game seems to have potential in the idea and such, I just can't stand playing the thing for more than 15 minutes at a time given how slow everyone moves.
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Post by WolfHeart »

Patience is a virtue. And a needed one for this game..
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Post by rmemmett84 »

I got the game as a gift. I played 3/4 of it without the patch and had very little trouble with it. I really enjoyed the game and would strongly recommend it.
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Post by vesselle »

just remember WHY they released the patch in the first place. remember the stink it caused? it would auto-install on your C drive, and, in substantiated instances, erased integral window's files from your drive. :(

even with the patch to correct that awful problem and subsequent patches, nothing can change the fact that the dungeons are dreary and uninspiring, the monsters are repetitive and not challenging, and the game looks and plays exactly the way you'd think it would after running thru 3 different developers (all of whom had no real focus on the game, but spent more time correcting what the previous developer did).

save your money. you'll only rip your eyes out in frustration.

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Post by Ravager »

I would recommend this game despite the problems I seem to be having with it at the moment. If it works alright then the game has a good single-player storyline and the nice ability to create random dungeons for multi-player whether you are playing with anyone else or not. The game should also be pretty cheap by now and worth possible problems, if it malfunctions just get a refund.

On my own version the game seems to have problems with my newer graphics card (Gainward- NVidia Geforce 5 or 6). Items such as tables or coffins seem to disappear after moving characters a bit as well as any shields that characters are carrying. The characters also become a bit transparent.
This is temporarily fixed by opening the character sheet above the image but happens again soon after closing it.
Another weird problem was monsters running in one direction carry on until they hit a barrier even if it is far outside the combat area stopping my characters attacking them, especially bad if the enemy is a spellcaster :p .

Has anyone else had these kind of problems and/or knows a solution?
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Post by Philos »

Sounds like the graphics card


When I ran this game I didn't have the visual problems you mentioned. You might try adjusting the "shadow" setting in game options. I had to do that because sometimes characters/things faded out when I came near walls on the south side of a room.

I was using an AMD 500mz processor and running XP. I had occasional crashes (sometimes at very inopportune times not discernable pattern either) but was able to finish the game. I did NOT use any patches. I have them but decided to not risk ruining my game in progress.
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Post by Ravager »

Thanks for your reply Philos.

I don't think my problem was with the shadows in the game, though I may have to risk downloading new NVidia drivers for my graphics card, if I want to risk it :) (They sometimes mess up Windows)
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Post by velm »

Save yourself the disk space and the $10+ tax. The game is very mindnumbing. It is too much, it really is. For instance, there are various times you will see zombies...ooops, corpses just laying on the floor. You cannot attack them, you know they are zombies. You are then "surprised" by these zombies and have to wade through a 20 minute battle, just so you can get to the next one.

The end battle was horrible. I went through it three times. I really did not even know I was at the end battle at first. I won with two character deaths. So, I reloaded it and came through with zero character deaths.
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