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Anyone playing Restricted Area?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:24 am
by txa1265
Just got it on Tuesday (just came out). A comment and question.

Comment: In Restricted Area, there are four 'save slots', one for each base character (basically fighter, ninja, rogue and mage). Which means you only get *one* save slot. That in itself is a major hassle and inexcusible. I have already started working around this by maintaining a 'RABackup' files for various saves. Another thing - there is no 'exit without saving'. None.

But when you die, the game immediately notes your 'mission failed' and writes over the save game, so you must return to town, and then go try again, with your prestige dimished and the reward cut in half. The meager manual says nothing at all about any of this. So far in the game I have created a Fighter and Mage 2 or 3 times each (before discovering the backup method) and *still* haven't finished the first mission - which is supposed to be an introduction!

- How do you assign skills to different keys? I want Victoria to use not just 'attck' magic, but also 'heal' and 'freeze', but can't figure out how to do it other than permenant assignment of right-mouse. Any clues?


Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:30 pm
by aberge30
I didn't play anymore after the first two deaths in the first mission, noting that I already had a -1 prestige. I really liked the look and feel of the game, why they had to use this crappy save system is beyond me.