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As A Fighter can I use the scroll Nyatar gives me

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:55 pm
by LadyLore
As a Fighter and level 1 Rogue I can't get any message to come up for the tree to let me use the Transport Via Plants Scroll. I got the quest, I should be able to do it, right. LadyLore

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:45 am
by Fiberfar
The scroll he gives you is only a paper, a plot item.
I saw no spoiler tags,
If you want to know how to use it read this: Click on the tree once all the animals are in the room with the tree. It should now say use the scroll.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:42 am
by LadyLore
I am sorry, I did not get your reply

You say to read this and there is nothing there. I guess it did not come through. Ladylore

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 8:05 am
by Magrus
It's there, simply highlight the whole post. When someone is giving out information that reveals the plot, it's requested that you say "this is a spoiler", change the text color to black and hide it so that people reading the information have to choose to read said spoiler. This way, if they don't want to know that information about the plot, they won't. If they do, they simply highlight and read. :)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:12 pm
by LadyLore
I am still having problems. Thanks for tip

Thanks so much for the tip on how to read spoilers. The tree is outside the zoo and the animals will not follow me until I open the portal. Even with my fedish. The cages are all unlocked.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:14 pm
by LadyLore
Maybe I have the wrong tree?

I don't know how to post a spoiler so I won't say what tree...LL

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:30 pm
by Magrus
Your welcome. You just simply type what you want, highlight the text and up above of the text box there is a "[color]" dropdown box. Pick black as the color and it will darker the text you highlighted so no one can see it without highlighting that text themselves. :)

As far as the problem...spoiler...

Have you used the fetish, not just carry it? Right clicking on it and selecting the use function on it? I was a ranger the only time I did that quest and never needed to use it, I used my Animal Empathy to get them to come with me. The fetish does the same thing I do believe, you just have to use it.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:23 pm
by LadyLore
Let me explain it this way.

When I talk to the animal the only option I get is to "Wait here while I open the portal" and when I try to use the fetish I only get a cast and that doesn't work. I get no option to use this item. I have played Bauldur's Gate and am famailiar with using magical items... this is odd because it is just a piece of paper. The tree should prompt me to open the portal, but it does not. I have the Platmium Version and it should be free from all bugs. My feeling it is a bug or I am.

AND besides which I can not find the Ancient Arrow the room behind the bookcase talks about. Do you know where that is?

You guys are awsome and I really appreciate the ability to be able to ask.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:01 pm
by Magrus
I honestly don't know. :confused: That does sound like a bug. :(

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:41 pm
by LadyLore
Margus, do you know if there is a patch for Platium


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:49 pm
by Magrus
No ma'am I don't. :(

I have the gold version and HOTU, then patched it with the updater when I connected to play an online game. Have you tried to do that? That should automatically update you with the latest patch from Bioware. Then again, I beat the quest you're stuck on close to a year ago and haven't done so since and had an older patch on then.

Unless someone else has and idea of what's wrong, perhaps it's best to load an earlier save and try to redo the quest up until that point? :confused:

This quest is optional I believe anyways, isn't it? It shouldn't be damaging to the rest of the plot and ruin the game for you if it can't be finished? I never got into Chapter 2 of the OC so I'm not sure but it doesn't seem necessary.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:09 pm
by LadyLore
Not necessary, but if this is a bug, I may have others

I will try looking for a patch. I have never played an online game, so Not real sure how it will work. I just like having all the bells and whisles.

Do you know where the arrow is that i need behind the bookcase?

thanks for all your help.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:17 pm
by Magrus
I don't know about the arrow no. Sorry. :( Perhaps you could find it in the walkthrough here? If you know what quest it's in, just click that quest on the side bar. Not sure if you've tried that or not, but it's an idea.

As for patching it, just open the game, pick the "Update" option. You don't even need to bother with the Multiplayer side of it. I just had to do that in order to get into certain games. It should put you through to the part to start downloading and installing the newest official patch. :)

Your welcome as well. ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:00 pm
by JackOfClubs

You don't say very clearly what you have tried to do with the tree, just that it doesn't work. But here is what you need to do:

Go out the back door and hit the tab button; this should make the small sapling next to the big tree glow. THAT is the tree you need to click on, NOT the big one. (This confused me the first time I played because the druid tells you to create the portal on the big tree. Never trust a tree-hugger to get his facts straight!) Now you should get a dialogue that allows you to create the portal. Go back inside and talk to each of the animals and you should now be able to tell them to go to the tree. When they are all gone out the door, follow them and tell each of them to go through the portal.

About the arrow quest, that is part of a larger quest that you get from Oleff in the temple of Tyr. He is in a room opposite the one you come out of when you first start the game. If you are not a cleric, you may need to use your Persuade skill to convince him to give you the quest. You get the arrow (and two other artifacts) from a house in the Peninsula district. I would advise against going through that door with the arrow until you are a higher level, however. It is probably the toughtest battle in the chapter, if not the game. At least make sure you save just before you go in there.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:37 pm
by LadyLore
I am off to give it a try

Will let you know how it turns out. Thanks

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:32 pm
by LadyLore
Jack O' Clubs, Your insight into my fobles, humbles me.

Back Door, who du thunk! As ususal with the quandries, I feel abashed at my stupity. But honestly, I thought I looked. It was the ticket.

And With the Arrow... I just ran in and out... I didn't bother to fight those nasty sword things.... I will save it for another day... they were incredible.

Thanks again.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:53 pm
by JackOfClubs
[QUOTE=LadyLore]And With the Arrow... I just ran in and out... I didn't bother to fight those nasty sword things.... I will save it for another day... they were incredible.

Thanks again.[/QUOTE]
Very wise. That's what I always do myself (having beaten them once just to prove that I could).

And you're welcome.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:01 pm
by Xandax
Get a Belt of the Greater Swords man and thoese "swords" are a walk in the park (a walk in a nice park naturally, not one of them with thugs everywhere).

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:29 am
by Fiberfar
[QUOTE=Xandax]Get a Belt of the Greater Swords man and thoese "swords" are a walk in the park (a walk in a nice park naturally, not one of them with thugs everywhere).[/QUOTE]

You can actually get a Greater Swordsman's belt in Chapter 1 :confused:

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:15 am
by Xandax
Yep - I can't remember which merchant sells (or if more then one) or how much they cost - they are rather "hefty" chapter one price, but if you save money and haul stuff around, you should be able to get them relative quick. I'm a packrat personally, so I never had problems buying them.

Beware however, buying them certainly makes the game loads easier, so there is a huge cheese factor to them :D