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How to kill Baloroth?
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:54 pm
by mafman
Till now no monster was a stuggle, but Baloroth at the Draedoth Temple is (for me). He casts magic non stop. I can block it with my shield, but still I can't find an opening to hit him. I can do a little damage with magic or arrows, but a big slash at him is a no no for me.
Does anyone has any tips to take him on?
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:43 am
by swcarter
I found that if I stand at the very southern edge of the bridge that leads to him, I can hit him with my bow, but he won't cast spells at me. I'm guessing the arc to the bridge makes him think he can't see me.
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:59 am
by BadBreath
Oh that monster. I think I pelted him with spells some from a ledge for a while. When I got tired of that I jumped onto the bridge and charged him melee style.
I do remember jumping into the room behind him (because he had shoved me off of the bridge once).
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:48 am
by azazel
I don't seem to remember having any difficulty with him at all. I think I was using (melee) a great stone sword, hacked him up 2 or so minutes - only healed once.
On a side note, the great stone sword (found in a chest, but you get a stone sword from athena [sp?] blockers makes quick haste of any stone creatures)..
I love this game, even with all its faults - it rox0rs my b0x3rs
- aZaZel
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:16 pm
by blueray
never had any problemo with this dude. I just jump over and charge at it, keep whacking it and occationally healed once or twice. Any non-fire attack is good, Ice works best with it (work on it just like icing on the cakes - ahaha, a bad joke, I know). Yes, it'd be best to get in to the room behind it, to avoid being pushed over the bridge.
Just don't hessitate, as soon as you see it, jump over and rush to it and start you deadly dance of blade (or spell if you are a mage). If you hassitate and let him start casting spell, you'll have a hard time getting close to it.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:24 am
by Lohengrin
...i finished him lately with my bow from the egde of the bridge. There he didn't even cast spells, like swcarter described. The bridge arc i was speaking of, is the aside one, which leeds in 90 degrees angle onto the main bridge (wich brakes down) towards him.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:15 am
by darkpark
he is very susceptible to ice based attacks so if you have the iceball spell handy hit him with that. of course, if you have an "winter" weapon than use that instead.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:25 pm
by BadBreath
[QUOTE=darkpark]he is very susceptible to ice based attacks so if you have the iceball spell handy hit him with that. of course, if you have an "winter" weapon than use that instead.[/QUOTE]
I believe my winter axe (or dagger) didn't do anything to him. Same as with the 1.7 mil exp monster in the tomb of souls.
But then, that would make it too easy.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:20 pm
by blueray
though the ice wont freeze it, it still suffer more damage from the ice effect.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:47 pm
by Olliekr1
the only problem i had with this bugger was him kocking be back off the ledge(broken bridge), but once i got around him and put up the celestial fire protection spell and time slow i just hacked him to shreds.. and fire protectoion and sancuary spells are SWEEEET spells. first chance you get to buy sanctuary from grymloc get it. its a life safer. its nice when your surrounded by alot of big uglys
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:26 pm
by phxhawk
Killing Balaroth
I found a Sapphire Greatsword in one of the chests in the part of Daedroth that you portal into. It casts a freeze spell and worked wonders on Balaroth. I just whacked away at him until he died.