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Special crystal (kinda spoiler)

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:11 am
by Dart_Xerpoth
Hey on dantooine in the kirinth caves, where you rescue vrook there is a crystal formation (at the end of the caves) if you search in the crystals around the central pillar, you find a speacil crystal and it will say your name on it. Keria will talk to you about it (if you have her in your party). I just think its kinda weird that a crystal is like linked to you.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:37 am
by Ergophobia
It's called predestination. Get used to it. ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:14 am
by Mote
Yeah, it's kinda neat.

Odd that Revan waltzed around in the same caves and found nothing of the sort.

Revan and the Exile were both extremely 'influential' to others, but from my understanding the Exile was particularly gifted because his influence did NOT stem from the Force, unlike, I suppose, Revan- who I assume used her/his knoledge of Sith methods to influence to get people to fight for her/him after the Madalorian Wars.

So why, does (as Vrook stated) "an average weilder of the Force" rate his own 'personal' Force crystal, when a supposedly 'powerful' Force weilder like Revan did not? (of course who is more powerful than who would be a matter of debate, but by the dialogue of 2 and the story of 1, we are led to believe Revan was one bad mamajama... where as the Exile (during the Mandalorian Wars,) was just one of his/her many generals?

Maybe the Personal Force crystal had nothing to do with the 'force' at all?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:14 am
by w666tvr
Because he wasn't "an average wielder of the Force"? That is Vrook's opinion and it was not one that Master Vandar shared.

Also Vrook is the kind of person to take a dislike to those who are naturally gifted over those (like himself, presumably) who have to strive to achieve. He is arrogant, opinionated, overbearing, not above forcing his views on others (you wait till you get to Dantooine for the last time), doesn't believe in redemption ("What if we train this one and Revan returns?", anyone?) as a good Jedi should, has a low opinion of non-force users (almost as low as Kreia), and is, when all is said and done, an a*sehole.

Death is too good for him (and I'm a commited LS guy :p ).

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:45 am
by Snakerock
Are you even supposed to use your own crystal? how do you know what stats it gives, when i use other crystals they make lightsabre better anyways

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:16 pm
by w666tvr
There is a heavy hint that the crystal is linked to your ability (read character level) in Kreia's dialogue when you first find it.

Talk to Kreia about the crystal when you first get it, and she will "tune" it for you. Every three levels thereafter, you can take it out of your lightsaber (use T3-M4 if there is no workbench to hand) and talk to Kreia about it again to get it "re-tuned".

By the time your character level is approaching the mid-twenties it is a very capable crystal. However, once you have found all the masters, Kreia won't talk about the crystal anymore...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:16 am
by Ergophobia
This very crystal can gain amazing stats, really. Over 25 worth of stat boosts is no exception.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:33 pm
by onehawaiian
[QUOTE=Mote]Yeah, it's kinda neat.

Odd that Revan waltzed around in the same caves and found nothing of the sort.
[/QUOTE]malak stuffed revan's crystal in his pocket and was like "what was that rev? a crystal with ur name on it? nope, can't say that i ever seen it..."

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:49 pm
by Chimaera182
Revan didn't have the affinity for Force Bonds the exile did, or some such nonsense. So when the exile walked through the caves, a crystal was more likely to bond to him/her than Revan. Not to mention that when Revan went to the cave, s/he wasn't that strong a Jedi (it's not long after you become Padawan). And no one there would've known what signifigance a crystal like that would have, nor would they have been able to sense it. Plus, and I can't stress this enough, the programmers didn't think up this crystal for the first game. :p