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The Staff of Cheese: another point of view

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:31 am
by tamenrot
I haven't seen this posted before, so here I go :p
I usually use the SoM against my enemies, but I don't know when I find another use for it. When one of my characters is somewhat buffed (specially when they are slowed or stunned), another one takes the SoM as it was a magic wand (you know, that wand with the star on the top that fairy goodmothers use), pats the others head with it and voilĂ  :p Dispels magic :p
It's more effective than the dispel magic spell, but you can hurt a bit. Specially when a kensai waves the staff ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:00 pm
by JackOfClubs
Yes, this is a well-known use for the staff. Of course, you get the same effect by simply casting dispel magic, without the damage. But this way is quicker in an emergency or if you don't have DM memorized.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:50 am
by tamenrot
I have a doubt between the Dispel spell and the SoM (or Carsomyr) dispel effect.
The Dispel spell works with a successful roll (50% base chance, etc). But how the SoM dispel effect works? With a successful hit plus a successful roll, or only after a successful hit? The questions is: who has a higher chance of dispel magic, a mage after casting the spell, or a thief or a dualled-to-mage warrior (at the same level, of course) waving the SoM? :)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:48 am
by Deadalready
The Staff has always seemed to dispel in one hit for me, that is a successful to hit roll hit. It does however (I might add) remove stoneskins even though it doesn't actually do damage.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:15 am
by Da_venom
doesn't baldursdash fix that? dispel magic shouldn't dispell stoneskin or the like
but anyway

the staff would be prolly more effective than a mage because a mage casting skill is determined on lvl intelligence and the like

so the higher the level the higher the spell get's

the higher the spell the more power it contains

and i think for wands there set at max

if i believe sohehe :P