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(Not Yer Average) Jaheira Question (slight spoilers)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:57 am
by TheDude81
Hi everybody! This is yet another jaheira romance question but is not the usual dermin isn't spawning, where's terminsel one; so i couldn't find anything using search.

I’m in chapter six and have completed the romance for SoA. terminsel appeared and she got her harper pin and i've rescued her from bohdi's vampirism. "Great! don't see what the fuss is about," i thought, BUT the lovetalk variable is only at 71 and the global active variable is still at 2. i've read that when the romance is complete lovetalk should be set at 73 and the active variable should be at 3, meaning that the romance is complete (for SoA at least). so am i missing one last dialogue or anything? or have i been misinformed. Has it not finished in the usual way because i have ToB installed and it still regards the romance as active? or am i worrying over nothing? cheers! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:15 pm
by JackOfClubs
According to the Romancing Guide on Sorceror's Place, there should only be 70 lovetalks. That doesn't include ToB, however, so my guess is that you're just fine.

I don't think the ActiveRomance variable gets set to 3 unless you screw it up. I am not sure about that, however, but I think you are OK here as well.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:21 pm
by TheDude81
cheers mate! i was a bit worried coz i was about to enter sulldenesselar (not sure about the spelling, probably rotten :p ) and this was the only "loose end" i had to worry about before starting chapter7. once again, nice one. :cool: