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Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:05 pm
by Squdhazard
What is ur favorite skill give me those great skills that make this game easier for u. i have many of those...

Unarmed = Best damage skill there is.
Sneaking = if got unarmed or melee and u kill with sneak in one turn w/h he shoots no u can backstab all... or just run bases trough XD
Stealing = u will never need money with this one...

Now im starting to see what: First aid, Melee and Throwing can do...
Plz tell me. im always trying to make better builds...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:13 pm
by Da_venom
laser and speech

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:28 pm
by Squdhazard
Speech is great. Energy weapons too just that they r slow and and it´s impossible to kill more than 2 Enclave guards in turn.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:17 pm
by Da_venom
depeds how they are placed it's possible to kill 3 with a laser gattling :D

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:18 pm
by Squdhazard
True but with Unarmed skill about 200% + Equipped Mega Power Fist + Perk Slayer u can kill like 5 Enclave guards in turn. If they got u surrounded and u dont need to move...

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:04 am
by CocoDaPuf
Call me boring, but small guns. Hunting rifle -> sniper rifle -> gauss rifle.

And then I'd go with big guns, I just love that bozar.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:17 am
by Woozaii
I would say speech or big guns.


I have given this a lot of thought... And i have actually concluded that Lockpick is the most useful skill. Think about it:

1) You encounter thousands of places in the game, where you are delayed because of some locked door. Thousands of storage rooms, filled with goodies just waiting for you, but you cant get in, because the door is locked!

2) Lockpick is actually a very very useful Combat skill as well. I can kill the entire Slavers Guild in The Den, at my first visit. How? It's simple: I lock all doors in the Slavers Guild, so i can take out the slavers in 3 segments, and sleep in between, thus making it a lot easier. I have used that trick all over the game.

3) If you have patience... A lot of it... You can actually make a lot of XP, by running about in the cities and towns, and locking doors. You make 25 XP for each!

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:06 pm
by Nekasrof
Doctor and Outdoorsman

Doctor opens up a few quests and is handy for healing wounds or curing injuries.

Outdoorsman really makes an impact on whether or not you have an encounter. If you plan on blitzing, it is very helpful, otherwise those enclave patrols will toast you every time.

Really, I like all the skills, except for repair (I never put it over 100%, if you fail you can almost always retry until you get it right) traps and throwing. those three I have found to be the most unhelpful.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:46 am
by Kipi
Small Guns, you can't go wrong by selecting it.

Also, if you have high enough Luck, gambling could be better choise than stealing, because stealing may cause people to attack against you. And the money you may win by gambling far better and faster.

As mentioned already, speech is very good, as is outdoorsman

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:49 am
by LoneRider
I'm currently up to unarmed, speech and sneak.

Speech is maybe one of my favourites, 'cause I always tag it. Never tried low int character (those are so boring) and without speech/int one miss so much great dialogues.

With an unarmed specialist sneak is great, like said earlier. I quess it's pretty useless without unarmed/non-combat character though.

I like the ultimate pistol professional idea, so maybe I'll try small arms with my next char. Science, repair and medic would be nice too, cause there're still those unsolved quests, which need these skills.

Stealing, gambling, first-aid, traps and outdoorsman are skills I've never chosen, nor I will. I usually have stimpaks so much, I throw them away, so first-aid is totally worthless. Outdoorsman helps with non-combat char, but it's easy to sneak out from unwanted combats anyway. Gambling and stealing gives money, which is worthless. There's so much equipment in FO2 that you're never short of money (except at the beginning of course).
And traps... You can just run over them ;)

Oh, and lockpicking is great. I always raise it at least to 60-70%. One misses so much places/equipment without it. Tagging the skill is still unnecessary wasting.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:16 am
by Deadalready
Me I always tag small guns, I prefer nimbleness and accuracy of a well placed shot over a barrage of bullets. Still I also enjoy using the improved flamer for roasting things.

The other two skills I tag depend, but I usually tag steal and lockpick, both are pretty redundant later on but I find they're totally invaluable early on in the game. Sometimes I drop the lockpick tag and opt for a big guns tag instead.

I next to never tag plasma weapons but do on occasion.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:59 am
by Kipi
Stealing, gambling, first-aid, traps and outdoorsman are skills I've never chosen, nor I will. I usually have stimpaks so much, I throw them away, so first-aid is totally worthless. Outdoorsman helps with non-combat char, but it's easy to sneak out from unwanted combats anyway. Gambling and stealing gives money, which is worthless. There's so much equipment in FO2 that you're never short of money (except at the beginning of course).
And traps... You can just run over them ;)

Yes, gambling helps you especially at the beginning, but it also helps you later in the game also, 'cause by winning money from gambling you don't have to search so much stuff for selling just to be able to buy more ammos and such.

Also, doesn't Outdoorsman raise the chances to get those special random encounters? And at the beginning you may not want to fight every encounter because those may be too dangerous, so the Outdoorsman helps you to avoid deadly encounters until you are prepared to them.

At times traps -skill does help you, but mostly hte only reason to select it is the xp you get when disarming trap

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:36 am
by Deadalready
The problem with Outdoorsman is that the higher the skill a character has the less random encounters they get.

Early on in the game random encounters are lethal but later on in the game, random encounters are about the only way to get experience and it really bites missing out on kills while running around the map.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:36 am
by Kipi
Correct if I'm wrong, it has been some time since I played FO2 last time, but IIRC Outdoorsman doesn't reduce number of random encounters, you just get option to select wether you want to avoid the encounter or enter it. Using car does in the other hand reduce the number of random encounters, as may some skills, but not Outdoorsman

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:36 am
by LoneRider
I've never heard outdoorsman has any affect to random encounters. Like Kipi said it only gives you opportunity to choose wether you enter them or not (and if you do not, the specific encounter is likely forever lost).

The only things, which I surely know to affect random encounters are luck (higher will give you more of them) and explorer perk.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:49 am
by Xandax
If I don't remember totally wrong at the moment, then I'm pretty sure that according to the manual and gamematerial, outdoorsman should affect random encounters as well. But in the manner that the higher skill would mean a higher chance to find them. ---- I'll have to look this up when I dig out my fallout manual, wonder where I hid that when I moved.
Now - wether or not this is actually true (implemented) is a different matter and rather difficult to test.

But it should affect it.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:38 am
by Kipi
[QUOTE=Xandax]But it should affect it.[/QUOTE]
Considered how buggy FO2 is, it may well be that it was meant to be like that but it doesn't work in reality.

@LoneRider: Didn't Scout -perk also affect to chances to get those special random encounters?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:39 am
by LoneRider
[QUOTE=Kipi]@LoneRider: Didn't Scout -perk also affect to chances to get those special random encounters?[/QUOTE]

Ah, forgot that one. I quess it does ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:17 pm
by Deadalready
I seem to remember reading higher Outdoorsman reduces the chance of encounters in the Fallout 1 manual.

The very simple thing is, compare the amount of random encounters you get if travelling from city to city as a low level character, to a high level character and you'll probably notice that it's possible to run from one side of the map to the other with minimal encounters on a higher level character.

It doesn't make sense that increasing Outdoorsman would increase encounters (less sense than lower Outdoorsman), because it's a hassle for a higher level character to have to stop every few squares for a fight. If you noticed higher Outdoorsman as a whole, gives you the option to avoid encounters, and less times where you're actually slammed into a square and trying to run off the map.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:49 pm
by Xandax
There is a difference bewteen "random encounters" and the "special encounters".
Random encounters are mearly the random monsters which attack you - and yes outdoorsman descreases these (because you know how to move and thus can avoid them).

Also this is the description from GameBanshee - I've yet to locate my own manual *grrr*
This is used mostly on the World Map. It will determine if you can avoid a random encounter. It is also used to determine how far away from a critter you start a random encounter, along with your character’s Perception statistic. The Outdoorsman skill may also be used in specific encounters. Outdoorsman is never used actively.
I'm still pretty sure this skill doesn't affact your ability to find special encounters in a negative way.