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List of Craftable Magic Items

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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List of Craftable Magic Items

Post by bariumdose »

For the craft magic items feats, you can pull up a list of the craftable items if your caster has one of these feats, and if your caster doesn't have the prerequeisites, the item in question qould be left greyed out in the list.

My question: Is the lists of craftable items, be it magic weapons, armor or wondrous items, static? That is, does the list change depending on the type of spells that my caster knows? Or, is what I see (in the list) all that is possible to craft?

I just don't want to learn a spell that by itself is pretty useless in the game but is needed to craft a magic item that is very useful in the game. Here I'm referencing the magic items in the d20 Hypertext website that don't appear in the game - wasn't sure if these missing items were missing intentionally or were missing from the craft list because I haven't learned the necessary spells.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

I take it you mean the list brought up via "craft wonderous item". The list is complete. There is no spell anywhere such that learning it will change the list in any way. If an item is not on the list you can't create it.

It can be changed by adding files to the game itself (that is, by modding your game), but there is no in-game way to do it.

(And, by the way, don't take "craft staff" or "forge ring", because those lists are EMPTY unless you mod them. They were included in the fix to allow for such modding, but no mod was done. Thus, the lists are empty and taking the feats will do nothing for you. "Craft rod" works, but only for a few pretty useless rods, so I don't recommend taking that feat either.)
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