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Greyhawk Campaign.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:52 am
by Siberys
Hello peeps. I'm attempting an ongoing session of DND with core settings. Here's some stats for character creations.

Statistics as follows-
-Must have access to 3.5 books. if anyone doesn't want to buy the 3.5 source books, a -lot-, if not pretty much all, of the stuff that is in them is also here - ... /home.html.
-If you have a book that is not the Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, and Monster Manual, and want to use something out of it then ask me first (must also be 3.5).
-Limit 6 players
-Must have Dice (obvious) If you don't have any dice, then go to and click on the purple die to the left of the page. It should pop up a dice roller.
-Campaign setting- Greyhawk
-Trust is everything. If I get players then I do trust you to play without CHEATING.
- Character creation is much different than rolling dice.

Character creation-
Class- All (and only) core classes from Players handbook are allowed as well as all prestige classes. Once again, if you have a book that has a prestige class that is not the DM's guide, tell me what it is, and if I don't have it, write it out with your character sheet here.

Dwarf (All subtypes)
Elf (All subtypes)
Half elf
Half orc
Gnome (All subtypes)
Halfling (All subtypes)
Full orc
(The races below recieve a Hat of disguise as a bonus item because of the level adjustment and there appearance)


Ability score- You have 28 points to spend and all ability scores start at eight.
Score/Point cost


HP- Max at first level and average after that. Here is a chart to determne the hit points

First level-
D4- 4+con
D6- 6+con
D8- 8+con

Beyond first level-
Round down until you recieve another .5
For instance 2nd level fighter base is 15 +con
3rd level fighter base 21 (5.5 + 5.5 + 10)
D4- 2.5+con
D6- 3.5+con
D8- 4.5+con

Gold- 100 (No matter the character class)
Items- Up to Medium items. Major magic items requires you to special order it which takes 1 day per 1000 gold minimum 1 day.
Leveling up- requires a weeks DOWNTIME Training as well as fifty gold, meaning, I will tell you when downtime is. If you train on a non-downtime time, I will keep track of the time it takes.
Combat- I will determine if you have attacks of oppurtunity from monsters while moving. Tell me where you move specifically or I assume it is just in attack range. (Example- Lidda the rogue is behind an enemy,
Redgar announces to the dm he will move to the flanking position of the monster with lidda. Example 2- Lidda the rogue decides to avoid attacks of oppurtunity by tumbling. She announces she will tumble behind an enemy to flank with redgar to get sneak attack.
Feats- all feats from 3.5 books allowed as long as you have the prerequisits. Again, tell me the book or write the description so
I know what feat it is if it from another book.

Tell me about yourself-

Your race
Your class
Your listen, search, sense motive, and spot (Example, if I were to tell you to make a spot check, that would automatically signify that there is a monster in the room)
Your equipment, all of it no matter the mundaneness
Your spells, powers, and the like (If any)
Your name
Your weight (with equipment)
Your Origin (I will talk of that in a moment)
Your City Feat (I will also explain in a moment)
Your most hated enemy (Which can be a group of people like a guild or church, a single person, a race, a class, or an alignment that you hate like you hate all evil or all good)
These are of importance so please tell me everything about your character listed here.

Now then, your origin. You have several places to choose from. I will list them off here.

Balgera- The market city, trade, guild, and port city. This is the center of the 10 cities.
Balmora- The City of all. The biggest city there is.
Belvactra- The city underground associated with Drow, Duergar, Deep gnome, and Orogs.
Coavalarg- The city on a volcanoe. It is the biggest mining city around and filled with dwarves.
Cume Talendor- The city of politics. Bards, rogues, politicians, and the general diplomatics live here.
Degreva- The city in the Desert, home to the sun and moon elves.
Fargrove- Home to the humans.
Hegran- The city of gnomes. Way up in the mountains.
Mamogras- The city of magic. The city of all knowledge.
Zielven- The city conneted to other planes. The city of the gates.

Balgera Feats-

Mercantile background- you can sell items at 75% instead of 50% cost and buy an item once
per month at 75%. Month consisting of exactly 30 days.

Trader's toung- You gain a plus 2 to diplomacy, bluff, and sense motive

Artisan- You gain a plus 2 to 3 craft's of your choice



Daylight adaptation- You lose your heritage of being dazzled in the sun. Further more, you gain a plus
2 to saves against spells and effects with the "Light" descriptor such as sunburst and sunbeam.


Mining expertise- You gain a plus 4 bonus to craft (Metal working). You also gain a plus 4 strength bonus to mine out metal. Furthermore, once per day, you can sense minerals and metals "As Locate object" for 2 minutes.

Mercantile background


Cume Talendor-

Silver Tongue- You gain a +4 to diplomacy and it is always a class skill.

Fast talk- You can reduce the normal penalty of -10 for using diplomacy in a round to -5 instead.

Preformer- You gain a +2 to one preform skilll. Furthermore, you gain the ability to inspire people with a plus 1 to attack and damage rolls. This bonus stacks with the bardic ability, Inspire courage.

Education- You gain all knowledge skills as class skills. You also gain either a +1 to two knowledge skills or +2 to one.


Desert Knight- You gain a +3 to attack in a desert of any kind and you also gain a +3 to damage in a desert of any kind.

Desert Mage- Spells that have heat, fire, light, or similar effects gain a plus 2 to there DC permanently.

Protection from the heat- You gain a +4 to saves against heat dangers and a +2 to saves against spells and
effects of heat, fire, light, or similar effects.


Strike of the exalted/corrupt- This feat lets you emulate the spell true strike as a free action once per day with
a +3 to attack. Furthermore, your attack is considered good or evil (depending on your alignment) to bypass damage

Advanced- You gain 4 skills as your class skills permanetly.

Mercantile background


Craftsmanship- you gain a plus 1 to all craft skills. At 5th level, this increases to plus 2, and at ninth level to plus 3. It
only goes up to plus three.

Hammer/pick style- you gain two weapon fighting with the light pick and the warhammer without requiring the normal 15 dexterity.
Furthermore, you reduce the penalty with the pick and only the pick to -1. So, it isn't -2/-2, it is -2/-1. You can substitute
this feat with the hooked hammer as long as you have the proficiency in the hooked hammer. The hook part will be the -1 and the
hammer will be -2

Mining expertise

Mercantile background


Education- You gain all knowledge skills as class skills. You also gain either a +1 to two knowledge skills or +2 to one.

Spellfire- You are tainted with the weave of magic, allowing you to gain 1 extra 1st level slot of magic (if wizard)
or 1 extra spell known of 1st level (If sorcerer). Furthermore, the slots or spells draw from within your inner being
thus you can use your blood as an optional component for the following effects-

10% chance of empower for 1 point of damage.
20% chance of increasing DC by 1 for 1 one point of damage.
50% chance of extend for 1 point of damage per 2 rounds after the normal duration.
80% chance of changing it's energy into a blood energy which reduces resistance by 5 (if any) to an encounter.

These are only usable if you have at least half of your hit points.Everytime you try this, you roll percentiles and
if it is within the range, then the effect goes through. If you fail, then you only take 1 point of damage from the
prick of blood. These are only usable on the spells associated with this feat.

You may not take this feat as any other class other than wizard or sorcerer.


Outsider heritage- you gain light/darkness as a spell like ability at will. Furthermore, you gain daylight/deeper darkness
as spells once per week.

Outsider: battle oriented- you gain a weapon proficiency and weapon focus as a bonus feat. Furthermore, you can take
weapon specialization at fourth level or higher as if you had obtained four levels in fighter (whether or not you are

Outsider: Magic oriented- your spells that summon creatures are extended by 1.5 times the normal duration. Furthermore,
you can call forth an Aasimar palidin or Tiefling rogue (depending on your race) with the planar summon spells such
as planar ally or planar binding spells for half price. The hit dice is ALWAYS max for the spells limitations.

Outsider: stealth oriented- you gain a plus 1d6 damage to opponents who have lost there dexterity bonus as if
you had a level in rogue. This stacks with the rogues sneak attack.

Outsider: Turning/rebuking oriented- This gives you a plus 2 to checks made to turn/rebuke undead. Furthermore, you
treat your check as 2 levels higher.

That all said, I think you guys have everything to play the game. I hope I can get some people to join, cause this took me forever to type out today.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:34 pm
by Magrus
I'll think it over. Between running my campaign, doing the SE:R story, my own writing and wanting to get into playing NWN again with Fas I may not have the time to join up.

Would we be starting at 1st level or another point? :confused:

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:57 pm
by Siberys
The deadline is the 30th for creating characters. The actual start day is the 2nd.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:03 pm
by Magrus
Ok, and as to my question? :confused:

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:06 pm
by Siberys
Sry sry, misread. Yeah, it is first level. It should say that in the description above.

Yep, right after the section on hitpoints.

Gold- 100 (No matter the character class)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:22 pm
by Magrus
Well as I said before "if I have time". Would I be able to incorporate a psionic class into this game? Making my character in the story thread I'm working on has made me interested in actually playing as one. :)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:53 pm
by Siberys
As long as you go by the SRD. I don't actually have the Expanded Psionics Handbook, but those are accurate enough for now. So go right ahead.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:21 pm
by Magrus
Alrighty, I've got the book but I'll go by that site. It IS missing working links though, so far I just found the Psionics prestige classes missing. That won't matter at 1st level though.

I'm lost on what to actually DO with my character. There's a few options I've been considering that involve those prestige classes. I may just make a few and see what takes my fancy most.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:25 pm
by Siberys
That suxxor. Sorry about that dude, but if you do join, tell me now what your character WANTS to be in terms of prestige classes and I will make it for you. Just describe your character and I will try to accomodate you with a self-made prestige class.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:29 pm
by Magrus
Hmm, I like the thought of the Psychic Warrior class, but with a monk instead of fighter, if that makes sense? Same powers involved and set-up with that, but no armor, and unarmed focus. Monk unarmed damage, speed, possibly the wisdom AC bonus and maybe bonus feats instead of the normal monk feat progession as it's set up on the list? That way, I can select the feats I want, including those on the monk list, or those in the player's handbook?

Something along those lines. If not, I'll think of something else. There IS a prestige class that you start as a monk, and join and it effectively gives you the psychic warrier type abilities, while you keep your monk progression. I could send the to you if you wanted?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:31 pm
by Siberys
There is an ACTUAL class for that specifically. It is called the fist of Zuoken. It is in the 3.5 psionic book and it is nuts for a prestige class. Let me call my bro and get the class for you real quick. I'll edit this in a sec.

EDIT: ... cFist.html

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:32 pm
by Magrus
I got it yeah, don't worry about it. ;)

I like a bunch of them, but the two that stand out most were trying to make the Soulknife class and alter the mindblades into Kama's and use with the monk class. I like that one, but don't think that would work, if it did, that would ROCK. :p OR mix the Pyrokinetist class with the monk so I'd do fire damage. That only goes so far until I reach a fire resistant person though. :(

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:54 pm
by Siberys
I'd let you do that. Be a soulknife and alter the weapon from all swords to all slashing weapons. Not that different really and it wouldn't affect me one bit, though it would affect the monsters you guys fight. (Laughs and evil laugh)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:00 pm
by Magrus
Oh I like that. Yeah, I had the thought of the monk guy, who could run around like crazy, throwing mind blades and then busting out with mind blade kama's. I'm not sure if I should stick with making them dagger mindblades, or if I could make them shuriken's? They'd do one point less damage, but it would fit my character better you know? :)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:06 pm
by Siberys
Gotta say, Mind Shurikens sound pretty cool. But that would defeat the purpose of soulKNIFE don't you think?

I'd think that the kama would be reasonable enough to let you use it as a soulknike. However, that would make Fist of Zuoken obsolete. Key name FIST. But hey, it is your character and you can do what you want with it within my rules and I won't have a problem with that.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:13 pm
by Magrus
Well, I'd go one or the other, not both prestige classes. ;) If I can make the Soulknife class fit with the monk thing, I might do that.

Good point with the knife thing. I just like the role-play aspect of an oriental version of a soulknife/monk type deal. The soulknife can throw their mind blades, and wield them in battle, I figure the only differences there is the shape you know?

Not only that, but there's the traditional monk/martial artist with the oriental long sword. That could work too. I wouldn't have any monk attack bonus as I would with the kama. Still, I've got the unarmored AC bonus and speed, some monk abilities and the psychic sword in hand. I think that, I like quite a bit. Sound decent to you?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:30 pm
by Siberys
I am curious as to what you think a soulknife is. It IS a -core- class now you know. 20 levels, no requirements. But a multiclass monk with soulknife for THAT specific purpose as to use the kama will do fine in the campaign, but ONLY that if you decide on this. Otherwise, you will not be able to multiclass into soulknife. Then again, let me think on this for a while. It seems you like:

Energy weapons

So, I might make you a prestige class up dealing with this. As I said though, let me think on this for a bit today. I'll post about this later on.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:33 pm
by Magrus
I was about to edit that. I made the soulknife mixed into a character yesterday as a form of bonus abilities so I had it in mind as a prestige type class. My mistake.

I just like the thought of an unarmored monk/soulknife. One who can run fast, hit hard and be light on his feat with his mindblade, and toss knives around. Shuriken's would fit the character better, but aren't necessary at all. I could just do those two classes.

I THINK, there may be a class somewhere in my books I have that would fit that bill nicely as a prestige class, I'm not sure though. I can look if need be but those two would work well alone for quite a good number of levels. :)

No, nothing really what I was thinking of. Closest thing would be the Weapon Master prestige class, which would be cool but I'd be better off just sticking to the monk/soulknife mix than adding that to it.

I did find in the Oriental adventures they altered the monk class a bit, I'll attach a snapshot of what it says. :)

I'll start a human character as a Soulknife, if the mixing of that type monk as pictured in the attachment and the Soulknife-oriental varient is possible, I'd like to do that.

I had another question, the Background City/Feat thing. We have to choose a city, did we get a free background feat, or were those options we could use with our 1st level feats? It was listed for both in the "tell me about yourself" so I was curious.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:27 pm
by Siberys
Okay, I have a peeve about "Weapon Masters." They are insane. As for the oriental monk thing, that's fine with me. The city feats are indeed optional and that's why I said that wait to choose your feat for first level. You don't have to take them, but if you do...

A) It must be in your origin city.
B) You can only take it at first level.
C) You cannot take more than one.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:29 pm
by Magrus
Heh, fine with me, I'd prefer pumping those two classes anyways, better abilities IMO. ;)

I'll make my character up and toss it on this thread when I'm done then for you to look over. Shouldn't take that long, just need to pick skills, feats and equipment now. :)