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Holy vs. Unholy Sword - Beware of possible spoiler here

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:43 pm
by bariumdose
Warning - there is a potential spolier here if you keep reading.

Regarding the Holy Longsword +1 that you get as a dowry when you marry Meleny in Hommlet, no evil character can wield the sword without suffering a temporary negative level.

However, has anyone tried crafting this sword into an unholy longsword +1, assuming your spellcaster knows the unholy blight spell and has the appropriate crafting ability and levels? If I added Unholiness to this sword, does it override the original Holiness, and, thus, my evil fighter can wield the sword?

Or, will the sword just become a regular longsword +1 because the holiness and unholiness simply negate one another? Just curious if anyone has tried this. Otherwise, I guess I'll just sell the sword for GP.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:40 pm
by Lord Plothos
Well, I've never done this, but I imagine it will be like this: either you'll be prohibited from adding unholy to a holy weapon, or else it'll have both attributes. If it has both, then my guess is that either a good or an evil character who tries to use it will have a negative level. The rules state that you take the neg. lev. if you're good and try to use a weapon with the unholy attribute, and if you're evil and use one with holy. You don't ever GAIN a positive level for using a holy while good, so you'll probably not offset anything. The weapon would be great for a neutral character, though.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:05 am
by bariumdose
The Unholy Holy Longsword - great for neutral fighters

Hey, Lord Plothos,

You gave me an idea for an interesting build! I was already planning to run a neutral party. I was debating what alignment I should use for a fighter I'm developing. The idea of crafting an unholy holy longsword +1 and giving it to a neutral fighter would be awesome! Thanks for the tip!

[QUOTE=Lord Plothos]Well, I've never done this, but I imagine it will be like this: either you'll be prohibited from adding unholy to a holy weapon, or else it'll have both attributes. If it has both, then my guess is that either a good or an evil character who tries to use it will have a negative level. The rules state that you take the neg. lev. if you're good and try to use a weapon with the unholy attribute, and if you're evil and use one with holy. You don't ever GAIN a positive level for using a holy while good, so you'll probably not offset anything. The weapon would be great for a neutral character, though.[/QUOTE]

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:46 am
by Lord Plothos
NP. Just don't blame me if it doesn't work. I was only speculating. :p

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:05 am
by silverdragon72

...unholy weapons are quite useless!

-> where are the hordes of enemies with a good alignement?


Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:36 am
by bariumdose
Yes, where are the goodie two-shoes that will fight you

Good point. Well met.


...unholy weapons are quite useless!

-> where are the hordes of enemies with a good alignement?