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Golem maintenance

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:16 pm
by Anjelen79
I just created my own little pet golem (Underdark), but now I've been in a fight, it requires maintenance. I suppose I need to rest to get it healed, since healing spells don't seem to work on it. Is there any other way to heal it, besides resting? I don't really like to rest after every battle, so...

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:50 pm
by zmeii
I think I've tried everything - only rest helps; oh, I think I remember something - try using lightning spells on him - I think that heals - remember how you menage to animate the golem - with lightning ;) .

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:10 am
by Philos
Lightning Doesn't Help

I have the golem and I tried lightning, but it had no effect (good or bad). What DID help was: My Paladin using laying on hands and my cleric of Lathander using their innate ability to heal (basically same as lay on hands).

I also noticed that if I move to a new previously unvisited screen (area), the golem has full health (probably a bug). when I go back to previous area he is back to damaged status. If I rest, the golem does not heal in the area I rest in, but IS full health in any other areas that I DIDN'T rest in. Really strange glitch.

BUT a paladin or cleric innate healing (not spells) DO work.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:34 pm
by Johnny
Is the golem an actual member of your party? Or is it like a summoned monster that never goes away? I think the bug may stem from there.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:59 am
by Philos
Good question!!!

Seems like a bit of both. Clings to his "Master" like glue, most summons flank out to the right or left of the front row. Can't give it many direct commands or view it like I can a PC. But it stays with the party when they change locations and maps. Summons dismiss when a party does that.