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Revan? (Major spoiler)
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:36 am
by Dart_Xerpoth
i've been thinking, do you face revan at the end of the game?or is Darth Sion=Revan?
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:45 am
by Darth Itchy
nope. Kreia said that Revan was off in the Uknown Regions fighting the true Sith. They would have made a big deal about revealing Sion's identity if he was Revan. Besides, do you think it would've been that easy to kick Revan's backside?
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:51 am
by Dart_Xerpoth
spoze so, but i think its a bit disappointing that you dont get to figh Revan, Mabye you fight him in KOTOR 3 (if it exists/is going to exist). or maybe Obsidian didn't want to ruin the image of Revan BioWare had created.
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:30 am
by Darth Itchy
No, I think you're right: it would be cool to either fight and/or join Revan in the third KOTOR. Matter of fact, that'll probably be the decision that decides your fate (dark/light) in KOTOR III. Revan's off with the Exile fighting "the True Sith" (whoever they are), and the KOTOR III character will probably be given the choice to help them save the galaxy, or fight them and destroy it. Or something. The point is, it would be a waste of two great games to not complete the circle with a Revan appearance of some kind.
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:43 am
by SupaCat
But I remember this ( maybe oftopic but hey)
If you keep repairing that droid there will come a message of balista saying things about Revan. Thats pretty cool
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:56 pm
by Darth Itchy
You know, I never had my repair skill high enough to see what she said. What did she say? (Oh, and what alignment did you have to make Revan to get her to say it?)
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:40 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Was it the same thing she said in the sith holocron on Koriban?
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:23 am
by g4m3fr34k
Darth Revan cont.(SPOILER) XBOX ver
Darth Revan very much has to be in the game since in the game you will learn the the droid thats served under him is sill in the ebon hawk. Once you get enough influence with him he will talk to you about his previous master(Darth Revan) but in way the HK driod will not say much until you get a lot more influence with him. Also, another hint is that the navicomputer is voice locked and you all know by who already...=] The HK driod will confront the T3 driod about the navicomputer...since T3 also served under Revan, anyways T3 will knock HK out in a cut scene. Also, I got to a cut scene in Telos where Carth and Bastila talk to me about revan and his whereabouts, and if I knew where he went...ofcourse i didnt..>.< But that cut scene happens AFTER you guy...with the mask...(i forgot how to spell his name....)
I'm working still to find the rest of the missing peices to this very very frustrating puzzle.
Hope this helps you out somewhat if you to are looking to see if Revan is in the game...>.>...
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:25 am
by Kleanthes
Revan does NOT appear in Kotor II.
After Kotor I he remembered that there are the "True Sith" in the unknown regions and he went there to defeat them once and for all. He sent T3-M4 to get help someone to aid him and T3-M4 found the Exile.
Officially, Exile follows Revan into the unknown regions after Kotor II.
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:02 am
by obrad
Actually, you sort of fight him at the cave on Korribban. It's an illusion, like everything else, but you fight him and pretty much kick his rear end. It's to be expected, though, as you are more powerfull than anyone Kreia has ever trained.
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:02 pm
by Kleanthes
*lol* Spoiler:
Sorry, you don't fight Revan. You don't even fight an Illusion that fights like him. You just fight an illusion that looks like him, but is much, much, much weaker.
It's not easy to decide who would win: The real Revan or Exile... Probably the Exile, because she's got more levels, a prestige class and cooler feats
Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:19 am
by Drunkside
Yeh theres this illusion in the cave but its ALOT] weaker than any kotor1 char would be in the end... And do you think revan wouldnt have trained at all during all those years?? I Think Revan would kick exiles ass very badly...
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:02 pm
by Darkblade89
If you are playing a Darkside character when you get to Korriban, you can use the Thorium charges on Uthar Wynn's old chambers, and it WILL NOT damage the Sith Holocron. You can access the Holocron to see a holographic recording of Bastilla talking about how worried she is about Revan, and how she cannot wait any longer, and must find her.
However, if you are LS, the Sith Holocron is destroyed by the charges