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Help with Mage Guild
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:23 pm
by Edge
I have talked to Aleister(bunches of times) and can't get the iniation quest. Every other guild has offered to let me join, which I refused them. But for some reason I can't join the mage guild. Any suggestions? I want to go the battlemage/warlock way. I got all the requirements for a battlemage already. But can't even join the mages guild for some reason.
He also keeps telling me to deliver the letter to Davenmor, which I already did deliver it. But it stays in my quest logs. Wonder if that is screwing me up somehow. So any suggestions would be appreciated.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:30 pm
by swcarter
If you ask Aleister about "guild of mages" he should give you the option of joining.
The quest log has a lot of problems. One of them is that it won't update after you've delivered Aleister's letter. So that shouldn't be preventing you from joining the guild.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:43 am
by Zed Zorander
Also remember, that you can only have two tier 1 classes. So, if you have joined any other guild apart from the one at character creation, the mage guild will stay forever shut.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:02 am
by rconline@pacbel
Problem with the Mage Guild Quest
I am having problem with the Mage Quest as well. I have gone through all the options that Alesiter gives inclulding the one regarding the Guild of Mages. But he still does not give me the option to join the Mage Guild. In addition I still have the Letter to Davemore in my inventory even after I have met and spoken with him.
I want to become a Wizard but can't do this until I am able to complete the Mage Quest quest. Any more suggestions on how to correct this problem?
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:40 am
by ferncliff
I'm in the process of starting a new mage myself so I'd like to know what's going on with this. Is it possible that taking the letter to Davenmore before asking about the mage guild is screwing up the conversation options with Aleister? Do either of you guys have a save before you took the letter to Davenmore?
I had heard that as of patch 1.3 if you talked to Aleister about joining the guild before getting the horn that he wouldn't give you letter to take to davenmore. Has anyone else had this problem?
Sounds possible that Aleister got messed up with the patch. I think I'd better start a bunch of saves. D
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:59 am
by lparnell
I was a mage the first time I played and I am one now, with my second play through (not finished yet). In the first game, I started as a fighter, then joined the mage guild when I got to Fargrove. The second time I started as an adept and joined the mage guild when I got to Fargrove. I never had any problems with the mage guild or its quests. I was sorcerer/wizard and battlemage/warlock.
I always joined before doing the letter to Davenmoor basically because I did 'everything' I could in Fargrove before leaving and the letter to Davenmoore is the last thing I did before leaving to Arindale and my guild quests.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:47 am
by BadBreath
Do a carefull search on the forum for this problem. I remember somebody posting about this. He (or she) said NOT to take a quest to join the mage guild until AFTER you finished the arindale quest.