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Ahnassi's disappearance...
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:55 pm
by Rookierookie
Ok, I've gotten Ahnassi's key to her house, and now she's not there, and she's not in the tavern either. Does anyone know the console command to put her in her house, or any way to do this in the editor?
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:02 pm
by Rookierookie
Any help?
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:46 pm
by Rookierookie
I hate bumping threads, but I really need help here.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:54 am
by Alien_Newborn
Ummm I can think of two ways to help:
One- Go to her house and stand where you want her to be in the house, open the console and type the following: Placeatpc"ahnassi00000000",1,1,1. This can sometimes make your comp CTD, so save before you try it. Doing this should place an exact copy of ahnassi right where you were standing.
Choice two- This one is more likely to work: open up your construction set and go to 'data files' under file and check the box to the morrowind esm. Once everything is loaded, go to the chart of cell names and look up the pelagiad halfway tavern. In the reference list, double click on ahnassi, and she will popup in the center of the screen. Go to edit and click "copy reference". At this point, you can either delete the original ahnassi, or keep her around just in case. Go to the cell "Ahnassi's house" and find the spot you want her to be in. go to edit and click "paste reference". This is alot more sound than the first one, but takes longer. One problem I have with this way is that I don't know how to change the altitude of a reference in a cell (meaning that sometimes i place and Npc and when I load, they're so high up that they fall to their death) If anyone can provide a solution to that, you may help more than one person.
I think there's also a mod to fix the problem, but it's better to do it yourself and save a space for one more mod.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:42 pm
by Rookierookie
1 worked, thanks.