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Saving throw Help plz

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:00 pm
by BryBry
I beat the game once and I'm playing the game again...this time as a Scout, but i never knew what a "saving throw" was. Im thinking of getting that condition feat thingy but i need to know what a saving throw is...
(i know i sound all noobish, but plz help out)

Can you people be polit and tell me what a savign throw is....thx

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Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:35 pm
by SP101
Well... there's 3 type of saving throws :

- Will
- Fortitude
- Reflex

If an enemy throw a grenade at your that do 20 damages, you can avoid 10 damages (20/2 = 10) if you succesfully roll your saving throw.

Will saves are useful against spells... but I don't know what are Fortitude saves for... Maybe certain stun effects?

Anyway, the higher your saves are, the higher your chances to avoid bad effects / damages (Stun/Paralysis/Insanity/Plague/Choke/Etc.)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:36 pm
by Ripe
Will saves are used against effects that affect your mind (charms, dominate minds...)
Reflex (Ref) saves are used agains effects that you can avoid with your agility (falling boulder, thrown granede, most traps...)
Fortitude (For) saves are used against effects that attack your health (poisons, diseases, death effects, ability drains...)