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New character

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:52 am
by Siberys
OK, first off, I have been playing Elderscrolls for quite sometime now, so I know how it works. The problem is, I have never been able to beat it. My characters were horribly unbalanced. So, once I re-install the game and get it up and running, I am going to play a basic (No mod) game.

What I ask of you is a combo of Race, Class, Sign, and reccommended Major/minor skills. I am going for either a Mage OR a Fighter type, so I know I don't need any of the sneaking or whatnot as a major skill. As a minor, I might.

So, to start the thread off, any suggestions?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:13 am
by sologdin
my first run through, i used a female redguard.

redgaurds get a +15 to long blade off the bat, which is slick.

custom class that specialized in STR and SPD.

sign was the shadow, IIRC, which allows one to ignore any stealth stuff, for the most part.

major skills - something like unarmored, security, longblade, athletics, and acrobatics.

minors were a 3 magics, plus mercantile and speechcraft.

only error here was not popping a skill attached to the endurance attribute, which could be rectified easily by substituting one of the armor skills for unarmored--but i have a perverse preference for playing unarmored guys--always do commit my savage butchery in a dress, etc.

it was a good character, overall.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:21 am
by Alien_Newborn
When you say basic, do you mean no graphic improvements too?

I recomend Argonians, namely because they remind me of Reptile from MKDA, but also because they have some nice abilities, such as water breathing. Fighting based argos with a few magic tricks up their sleeves are quite effective in combat so go for major skills like longblade (or whatever other weapon tickles your fancy), medium armor, destruction, and conjuration. It also helps to be self sufficient to a degree, so alchemy is a good minor skill to have. The Aprentice is probably your best bet for a sign, because even if someone is a pansy and takes advantage of your magic weakness, you can just get in close and personal with some big, extravagant weapon. I've had two characters roughly based on those guidelines, and each time I was fighting Dagoth Ur, he was all like "Oh please, have mercy! *evil laughing*" (but seriously, he did SAY that, I had a voice addon) and about three seconds later, I shoved my scimitar down his throat.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:11 pm
by Coot
Dunmer are quite balanced, able to fight as well as spellcast.
Breton make good magic oriented fighters too.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:44 pm
by furmy
In my opinion, I would strongly recommend Redguard

-=-Major Skills-=-
Heavy Armor
Long Blade
SpeechCraft (you will probably want to go with something other than SC, I used it b/c nothing else seemed worthwhile. Maybe Block, but limits you to one handed weapon)

-=-Minor Skills-=-
Medium Armor

The Warrior

Ok, this is my idea of a good Redguard if you like up close melee fighting. Hope it helps.