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End Game

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:20 pm
by tem13ca
End Game Error

So.. While swimming in the lost lake I enountered the biggest bug ever. So as i was swimming i was attacked by bees, so trying to avoid them I swam under the water, they followed. So i whent up to get air and fight them, but when pressing spacebar to surface the game appeared to freeze up.. But it was actually loading the end game area. So here i am a level 8 dwarf fighter at the end of the game and then somehow I manage to beat the game before i even talk to the elf wizard guy the king wanted me to see. So if thats not the biggest but in the game i dont know what is.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:05 am
by ThumpsAlot
I can confirm that

Yes, something very similiar happened to my 11yr old son while he was playing. Here I am working for days and days with a level 32 character, I'm at the Shadow Ruins or something, and he comes running in from his room. He described a situation where he was swimming, went underwater, the game froze for a bit, then his level 11 fighter is in the endgame sequence. I would never have believed it had I not seen it myself!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:11 am
by zmeii
I think there was a same topic - a guy by accident end the game very early. That happens when buggy situations are strongly present.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:12 pm
by shadowfawx
I believe this is related to the way the world determines what parts of the map to load. I have found that if I am in the Northern Steppes, I can run South for a couple mins in the wilderness and 3 times out of 20 I can end up at the far end of the South map. No way I ran that far..> Always happens during map load too.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:07 pm
by jessica
i just started playing a couple days ago and i was running from arindale to ulm and i kept going only one way and ended back at arindale 3 times...seemed like i was going in a circle but i was wierd