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Critical Strike... working???

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:33 pm
by Kinslayer
I've worked to get my Shaolei Master class by lvl 11. Crit strike is at lvl 8 now and I have yet to see me "1 hit kill" anything. Am I just to low lvl for it to work or is it broken?

Id like opinions on wether its even worth it. I built the char for dual weapons/crit strike. Just not seeing any crits... thanks in advance

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 4:24 pm
by swcarter
I don't think critical strike was working before the patch, so I suspect it's not working now, either.


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:06 pm
by Bloodred
I'm pretty sure it is. . .

I'm pretty sure it is really working, because with my charicter I am sure I've done it. I have spent alot of time fighting in the arena, and fighting the Minotaur's. My charicter does about 48 points of damage when I land a decent hit, and needless to say Minotaur's have manny, manny more HP then that. During my combats with them I have 1-shot killed them, or sometimes while mid-fight I wack them, and they keel over dead. I do have Healdery Bonuses such as The Master, although even with a critical, double damage hit, they should still survive. So in short, im sure its working.
Just an FYI, I have a 10 in Critical Strike, and im useing v1.3.

Hope this helps :) ,

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:58 am
by Kinslayer
thanks for the replies...

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:41 pm
by Kuanor
Could it be that the chance for a critical hit is depending on the damage you normally do? I have traines for a long time with the moon-beasts an although i also have crit strike on lvl 10 i never killed one of them with one hit. Neither with my spear nor with ninjutsu, bot the damage of both are relative low (up to 28 or somting like that).