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Bastila Lovers Club (BLC)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:25 am
by Bastila_Shan
Hello :)

Any thing you want you say about your favourite Jedi princess can go in this thread. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:05 pm
by Steven00009
Ya... i don't wanna get kicked off gamebanshee for language/content(LOL) so...

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:02 am
by Darth Zenemij

Uhh, are we going to acctually go into an in depth canversation about Bastila and her char, or are we going to just spam this place up. I suggest that some one starts an in depth Coversation about her, before this thread gets closed. I'll start. Now, when Bastila fell to the dark side, she betrayed Revan, there fore, wasn't the force bond Severed at all? I mean, beacuse she turned against Revan and did all this other stuff, like she tried to fight him and what not.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:49 am
by mrthingyx
Serious mode:

Difficult one - I think that because of Revan's nature, i.e. something dark down inside him, it is impossible for Bastila to truly betray him and sever the bond completely. However, it all depends on how one perceives the nature of the Force. If the Potentium (Jedi heresy, apparently, but the most likely model - one which Luke Skywalker finally arrives at) is applied then as the Force is one entity with no dark/light facets such a 'fall' is technically (well, philosophically) impossible: it is merely using the Force in a different fashion.

If we consider other information regarding 'Force bonds,' we know that they form as two individuals become closely acquainted with each other (Master/apprentice, etc.). In Bastila's case, she saved Revan's life using the Force, forging an even stronger bond; in the case of the Exile and Kreia, the bond was so strong that it had the potential to kill either of them depending on circumstance. Looking at such links it would seem that they form through familiarity with character - one instinctively knows what the other is thinking as a result of the bond. Now, the Rakata in KOTOR note that a canonically light-sided Revan's thought patterns are subtley yet significantly different to his former persona as the Dark Lord, so it would seem that while the inner strength of a character.facets of his personality may remain, the manner in which it is expressed changes according to his philosophy.

As a result, we can infer that while Bastila's outward form was that of a very attractive (eurgh - I said that about a computer game character) Apprentice to the Dark Lord, her inner being was not yet totally obsessed with the raw power of the Force. As such, her link with Revan may have been weakened due to the shift in her character but as this shift wasn't total - as per Malak, for instance, and as evinced by Bastila's redemption - the link still remained, despite its precarious fragility. Once she returned to the light side of thinking, the bond recovered.

Now, apply such thinking to the Exile and Kreia... their link was apparently strong enough to survive her complete fall to the 'dark side' (i.e. a subtle, substantial and complete shift in thought processes) as apparently she was going to commit suicide at the heart of Malachor V and kill the Exile/deafen the galaxy to the Force as a result of his mind not being prepared against such an event. Assuming he remains light-sided in his character, the link should have been severed, yet it wasn't. This is (rationalising heavily here) perhaps due to the nature of the Exile and his involuntary empowerment through killing... a bizarre irony of sorts. As such the link may have been disrupted but not completely severed. At the end of all things, the link would have had little effect on either during the final show down as a result of their minds being prepared - something Kreia mentions early on in the game... so no matter what the outcome of the final battle, LS or DS/redemption or succession, the Exile is prepared for the otherwise mortal severing of the link with Kreia.

That's enough hard thinking for me today. Sorry for the drivel, btw.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:06 am
by Darth Zenemij

And thats where things messed up. You kill bastila on the star forge, do you not? You can check for her remains, or at least I did. So, why is she in K2, everyone killed her, and you supposedly saved her, but I mean you killed the woman, why is she in the Sequal, let alone, why is she in the game again? She should have been hunted like all the other jedi, or gone to the war, the council probably didn't really care about what happened between her and revan or anything, so they should have sent her off to war, then she shoul have done the following
A., die there or just never bother any one/thing on the game
B. Just should have died from a sith hunting her, she has to importance to any of the characters in the next game, so why even put her in it???!!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:08 pm
by Rattler3
You don't have to kill bastilla. If u are LS and get her to kiss u earlier then she can be redeemed. Then she's still alive. The game also goes over how she will be a very powerful jedi eventually. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that she would be able to hide. The Jedi Masters managed to after all.
The reason she was put in the second one was most likely to explain what happened to revan/bastilla even more. Mostly everyone loved the first one, so bringing back characters is just a simple move to keep people happy...
Referring back to zenimij first question, mrthingy nailed it dead on. If you were LS, the bond would of been held open by revan's love for bastilla. As well, i think that she probably would still love him despite her darksideness... Therefore, the bond would be held open through that. Darkside... well i can't really say. I suppose the bond would be held open by their hate, but i don't know what else would.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:34 pm
by mrthingyx
Heh - I only ever killed Bastila once out of around fourteen showdowns on the Star Forge Command deck, and that was after failing to persuade her that I thought she was hot in her black outfit... some women.

Every single other time, she's been redeemed and so naturally, she's in the second one. Yes, the Jedi are being hunted which is why they all disappeared from public view... but Vandar says that Bastila will one day become a powerful Jedi, so naturally one would assume she can handle herself.

Zenemij - I thought KOTOR was basically the last gasps of the Jedi Civil War, i,e, the defeat or overthrow of Malak brought it to a close?

And if you think that bringing Bastila back as a cameo in The Sith Lords is screwed up, what about the whole DS ending of KOTOR? Considering that Revan would have conquered the galaxy, would there really be a Republic that was interested in the Exile? It wouldn't have taken place at all. And then he supposedly disappears by himself to fight the True Sith? With a limitless supply of ships from the Star Forge? Countless Dark Jedi doing their best to curry favour with him? Doubtful. Very doubtful.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:46 pm
by Darth Zenemij
Acctually, I thought the DS ending was to messed up, and didn't show that much faith in anything really, It made no sence, you can't re sign to who you once were, Revan got the memory wipe, therefore, became you, in my case I played as a female, Natasha. Natrualy I went dark sided, I did the whole game dark sided blah blah blah, so I see the ending, I become revan, again. And the whole thing about the force bond being open to their hate, Revan didn't hate, he truly fell to the dark side, going against the jedi code and everything they believed in. But go ahead and throw the code at me, but revan hated nothing, revan went agaist the jedi code beacuse it was wrong, it was flawed in a way he could fix. Via the starforge.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:21 am
by valmont23
Getting back to Bastila, I have to say I am so far most amused with her on Tatooine. Specifically, in the Anchorhead Cantina when she's verbally sparring with her mother and looking all petulant and pouty. :)

I would have to agree with others that the person on the box only superficially resembles the one modelled in the game, but both are kind of striking for computer game characters. And besides, you can't say no to a chick with a double-bladed lightsaber, right? ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:46 am
by Mandalorianx
hehe i agree she's hot but her personality is a little freaky,in the first sec she's mad and then just like that she's friendly.
so i love make to get her angree at me as long as we don't end up fighting.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:48 pm
by KyLewin
[QUOTE=Darth Zenemij]Now, when Bastila fell to the dark side, she betrayed Revan, there fore, wasn't the force bond Severed at all? I mean, beacuse she turned against Revan and did all this other stuff, like she tried to fight him and what not.[/QUOTE]
Perhaps this is simply because I haven't played Kotor II all the way through (or even a quarter of the way through for that matter), but I don't recall ever hearing that Bastila had to remain true to Revan for the bond to persist. As a matter of fact, she didn't seem to crazy about having it at all for most of the game so I'm guessing it's not something that can just be severed by a single act or through desire. Regardless of her actions she was stuck with Revan and Revan with her at least until their fates were decided.

I must also agree that Bastila is pretty good looking (for a computer game character), though I think the version of her on the cover was the better looking of the two. Hopefully she'll be back for Kotor III and we can actually hear what happened to her after Revan left (if she ended up with Carth I'll probably have to stop playing).

The thing that I've always been curious about with Bastila was how exactly she was turned. I mean, it doesn't exactly make sense that getting hit with lightening over and over will suddenly make you a dark jedi, so something more must have happened. Any thoughts?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:19 pm
by yoyopogo104
im guessin malak just talked alota junk trying to break her will. "the jedi are nothing compared to those who follow the dark side...cant u feel its power? it bekons u...just think of the glory and power that could be urs, bastila. give in to the ds, and become more powerful than u ever imagined, etc..." yeah, shes pretty stubborn, but if u got zapped with thounds of volts (perhaps an exaggeration :p ) in a day wouldnt u wanna giv in? plus, we already know that *spoiler* malak convinced her that the jedi were using her to do their dirty work, prohibiting her from becoming a truly great jedi.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 8:25 pm
by Rattler3
black means spoiler... just a reminder...
all throughout the game ure given hints of how bastilla could easily fall to the darkside...
i cant remember exactly what she says, but bastilla says the jedi say she has some problems and is very vulnerable to the DS...
also, if you encourage her to keep the hologram on tattooine, then that would also make her more susceptible... The simple fact that it is possible to encourage her to keep it would show this...
either way, bastilla lusts for more power, we know that... i'd imagine that it would be fairly easy too push her... in the cut scene malak claims that hes 'showing her a taste of the DS'... she sees it, is susceptible to that...
who's read 'I, Jedi'? Think of what Exar Kun did to Corran in the temple... something like that. For those of you who don't know it, exar kun was a powerful dark jedi trapped on yavin... acadamy starts, corran goes to learn, confronts exar kun (very short story of it...), and he take corrans fears from his mind and uses them against him. It's implied that he would of fallen to the DS but for intervention... but you can read it if u wanna know about it...
off topic, but its the greatest book ever. I'm not normally into star wars books, but my friend showed it to me and it was awesome. Michael Stackpole is arguable the best writer i know, and i read a lot of books...
back on topic...
basically, she would in fact be very susceptible...

Anywho, from what i gather, the MOST likely ending of the first one is that she is still alive and LS... this suggest that Revan was LS as well...
This evidence is contrived from the simple fact that the republic still exists... that lays the foundation for the revan LS, because theres no way if he was DS it would... the jump to bastilla is more based on intuition to me... honestly, i couldn't see it going any other way...
and now i've gone and written way more then i intended too...

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:56 am
by Lorya
I played Kotor only once (for now) as a female Light side character. so I was wondering can you fell in love with Bastila if you play as Dark side character (male of course) and can you save her in the end or is that only possible for Light side players?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:47 pm
by Revan Reborn
You can fall in love with her LS or DS, but I haven't tried to turn her back as a DS character. I would imagine you can though.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:14 pm
by roug3l3ad3r
Bastilla vs. Juhanni

I was wondering if anybody in their gameplay experience has chosen Juhanni over Bastilla in a romance?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:04 pm
by Revan Reborn
Never...the whole bi-sexual thing with Juhani was kind of a turn off.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:07 am
by KyLewin
Small spoiler below:
[QUOTE=Revan Reborn]You can fall in love with her LS or DS, but I haven't tried to turn her back as a DS character. I would imagine you can though.[/QUOTE]

You don't turn her back, she turns you and the two of you mow down most of the rest of your party. If you do go dark side, Bastila survives the first game (apparently no one can kill her but you).... Unless you mean trying to turn her after you've been a bastard the whole game...actually, that looks like it's exactly what you meant. I'm pretty sure that all of your conversation options are still there regardless of your alignment, so you should still be able to bring her back to the light side even if you are hopelessly lost in darkness. I also seem to recall that rejecting her offer to lead the Sith gives you a pretty huge light side boost, so you might not even be so dark by the time you get to her the second time anyway.

[QUOTE=roug3l3ad3r]I was wondering if anybody in their gameplay experience has chosen Juhanni over Bastilla in a romance?[/QUOTE]

Ew, that's gross. Juhanni's a nice person and all, but...yuck. I think I once started down the Juhanni romance path and when she mentioned something about it, I told her I preferred Bastila and that was the end of it, since then I haven't even tried.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:47 pm
by Darth Moudi
[QUOTE=Revan Reborn]You can fall in love with her LS or DS, but I haven't tried to turn her back as a DS character. I would imagine you can though.[/QUOTE]

When u turn her back thats when she confesses her love for u.

As for me i just wanted to say, BASTILA'S HOT!!!!!

Btw KyLewin, thats funny, mow down most of your party.
I made the mistake of fighting Mission while the Invulnerability was on so that sucked. That was a long match. lol

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:52 pm
by Darth Moudi
Plus theres the fact that Juhani is butt ass ugly.