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Loads of Money+No Bills at age 16= New Games!!!
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 7:31 pm
by Siberys
First off, I figure since this thread is about multiple RPG's here and not a single one, it fits best here. If it doesn't, please move it and I apologize.
Ok, I am curious as to what games I should buy for now. I am fairly certain my PC can run it (2.4 ghz, Radeon 9550, 2 gigs of ram, the works). Now, I have about a hundred, hundred fifty dollars max for buying some games, so my selection is...
-Classic games:
Lionheart, Arcanum, Beyond Divinity (Already got Divine), and Pool of radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.
-More recent games:
Neverwinter nights expansions (Already have the first), Elder scrolls expansions, and KoTOR 1.
-New games I should wait for:
Elder Scrolls 4, NWN 2, the new stuff.
This is pretty much the list I am shooting for now, but there are a couple more.
Not being on the poll, do any of you personally reccomend "Temple of Elemental Evil" and I know I am going for a Vampire game, but a reccomendation of that would be nice too as there are multiple ones I think.
Just some thoughts as to hear your opinions.
EDIT: and to clear something up, any game that has a forum here and is not mentioned in this thread such as baldurs gate: shadows of amn, I own.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:16 am
by Robnark
I'd reccomend Planescape: Torment to everyone, but finding a copy may not be very easy these days.
on no account get pool of radiance or temple of elemental evil. I got ToEE at full price and returned it to the shop days later, claiming it wouldn't work and wishing it hadn't. I got the fancy box for pool of radience with a free mouse mat and little metal wizard, and I'm not sure what I did with the discs. I did enjoy using the mouse mat more than playing the game, though...
regarding the rest of the list, Arcanum's my favourite, although KotOR isn't bad, albeit a bit simple. expansions for morrowind or NWN might be worth it if you still play the original a lot, but there are plenty of free bits and bobs you can download that add a significant amount to the game.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:22 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
ToEE is an alright game, especially if you're wishing to utilize 3.5 Edition D&D mechanics (from 1st level to 10th). The thrill of this game is in the turn-based combat (which supposedly reflects how Pen & Paper D&D combat goes) and crafting magical weapons & armor (something that I haven't heard of in other games that utilize D&D rules).
The story, unfortunately, is rather simple, but the gameplay and graphics (bugs and glitches aside) make up for this. Then again, with the fan-made patches, fixes, and mods around, the game can become rather entertaining.
Also to note, the game has come down in price not too long ago, so it MAY be worth it's money now.
If you haven't yet, I HIGHLY, HIGHLY suggest the original Baldur's Gate. BEST. GAME. EVER. Also has a cool feature (with the help of the sequel) for continuing into BG2.
I would also second PS:T on the boundaries of
all the comments I've heard of it. I've never played it myself, but I've heard hundreds of good reviews and comments on it.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:47 pm
by Siberys
As I said, I do indeed have Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and ToB. They are pretty good.
Though I rather dislike second edition, they ARE indeed good games. Go Minsc!!
Hmmm, 1 vote for recent games, 1 vote to wait. Well, I'll keep the poll running for a while.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:23 pm
by Kipi
I have had best RPG experiences from classic games, so I voted them. IMO new games are more and more concetrated to graphics, which I don't think is the most important thing when talking about RPG games.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:58 pm
by Siberys
I here that. A game is a game, not an artwork.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:37 am
by Deadalready
[QUOTE=Kipi]I have had best RPG experiences from classic games, so I voted them. IMO new games are more and more concetrated to graphics, which I don't think is the most important thing when talking about RPG games.[/QUOTE]
I agree, personally I haven't found one game recently that's held my attention for more than a few days at most.
I'll tell you a few of the games I'm personally looking for:
It's currently been re-released by big bytes at an amazing $10 or less, most of the time it's got a "buy two games and get one free" offer as well excellent value.
As for the game itself it's a real time strategy that lets you build fantastic military vehicles and command them in battle to defeat other armies. The great thing about it is you can upgrade your vehicles and command them from inside the ****pit; for example enter a tank or a helicopter and blast away at enemies.
Earth 2150
Another re-released big bytes value game cheap at around $20 or less.
Another realtime strategy based in the distant future that surprisingly got little attention, in this you start off with a build and upgrades tree that progresses and branches into many variables. The main feature is the customising of your war machines, first you build a frame or chasis then you decide what weapons you want to stick on it; Build a tank and slap a triple laser turret on it for ground to ground combat and a rocket launcher for taking out air targets, or machineguns and a missile silo. MOST IMPRESSIVE is the way lasers are handled, most games have stupid pew pew lasers that shoot lines at targets, in this the lasers are constant beams that constantly damage their targets until either the laser overheats or the target overheats (and blows up).
Aliens Vs Predator Gold Edition 1
The good first person shooter prequel to AVP 2, in this the game is actually balanced and features usually unlimited and randomly generated monsters to scare the absolute hell out of you. Where as AVP 2 turned into and event and scripted game AVP 1 was always different and had frightening rooms where anything could/should be expected. Add to this you had a compariable amount of freedom to tackle goals in any order you wished and missions never seemed unfair and always possible no matter the difficulty.
Currently a holy grail of a game, I'm looking for it but just can't find it.
A very old first person shooter where you get inside a transforming mech and start plowing through enemies, other than that you can choose to jump out and run around on foot.
Old game, very old game.
There are other games but since I've gotten a PS2 I'm buying up on PS2 releases over computer ones. I must admit I haven't found any recent RPG that is really worth my salt in looking at they're again, all fluff and no meat.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:33 pm
by Siberys
All right then, it's the 18th, and unless some people start voting, it's obvious that the classic games are the winner. As for this, I have quite the selection to choose from. I have a load, and I mean a ****load of money with me right now. (About 200 [birthday money] bucks just calling to me "Buy some games...Buy some games")
So, what I'm thinkin is these games. I'm looking for something like the BG series as they were just AWESOME. So, a list of games I could buy-
Beyond Divinity
Planescape: Torment
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor
Now, I have heard of all these games, but the mysterious one to me here is Sacred. I am curious as to if it is a good D2 clone. I saw some screenies of it and it looked alright, but I need a second opinion. Now, seeings how it is indeed a D2 clone, and I am a hardcore D2 fan, I'll prolly buy it anyway, but would just like to know some aspects of the game.
(NOTE: Please don't mention "Fate" as I played it and I DESPISE the game and it's simplicity. D2 at least had a decent storyline, Fate, you just go to a dungeon in a town and go down for point and click action. D2 had somewhat of a strategy system.)
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:59 pm
by Ravager
As good as the classic games are, half of them probably won't work on a reasonably new system (or upgraded one) soon. Out of your list, I would probably choose Planescape, which I ended up buying through eBay. If you can't find it, try Lionheart which is quite good although it has a rubbish Henchman system.
Pool of Radiance is quite good but has bugs on many systems (including mine

). Beyond Divinity is not as good as the original and also has bugs, but I can't really fault it, after all I did get a free legal version!
KOTOR I and II are both good games and not as different to BG or NWN as you would expect.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:35 pm
by Siberys
Well, thanks for the info, but as for KoTOR 2, I have that. I got rid of KoTOR 1 as I couldn't understand it that well, but hey, I was younger at the time. So, now if I buy that game, I'll prolly be able to play it better.
Now, my system has run a demo copy of Blood and Magic. If you don't know how old that game is, let me put it this way. 1st EDITION DND. That's pretty old.
Anyway, after me party today with whatever I get in money, tommorrow, I am goin for as many as I can buy.