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King Arthur's Knights And the Vorpel Rat Cave

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 9:33 am
by dinkydawes
I have encountered King Arthur's Knigts fighting the Vorpel Rat, 7500 skill pts if you kill the rat. Inside the cave is the Holy Hand Grenade

I was wondering if anyone has encountered King Arthurs Knights after you find the Holy Hand grenade?

Is the conversation any different, do you actually give or sell them the Holy Hand Grenade? Or is it the same, just pointing in a random direction? Or do they give you a Geck for the Holy Hand Grenade?

I downloaded the Holy Hand Grenade patch, it works. I'm also using an unofficial patch.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:46 am
by Woozaii
I have only encountered the Knights once, and that was when they were asking for directions. If you point them in a bogus direction, they give you a laser gun. If you don't, they give you nothing. You do not recieve the GECK.