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Looking for the best way to play BGI->ToB

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:35 pm
by krunchyfrogg
I have TotSC as well.

I can't remember which MOD links all of the games together. Is it Tutu? Or is it BG Trilogy? Or is it something else?

Please LMK what I need to download to have the most complete Baldur's Gate experience.


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:32 am
by stramoski

I've heard horror stories of BG Trilogy being bug-infested... Tutu is (except for a few install glitches occasionally) bug-free.

Tutu replaces BG2 completely with BG1... Play 'til the end of that game, then restart into BG2...

BGT organizes everything into a continuous game... You might wait 'til BGT-weidu gets out of beta, for a more bug-free environ...

My vote is for Tutu, (it's the only one I've tried).
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