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Okay guys, fess up
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:19 pm
by dragon wench
I just found this link while perusing Google:
Now how many of you men have used women's shaving equipment?
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:56 pm
by Aegis
Can't say that I have, but my razor comes out only to remove the facial hair I let build up due to laziness.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:59 pm
by dragon wench
I'm willing to bet it was actually CM who wrote the admission in that link
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:35 pm
by Aegis
[QUOTE=dragon wench]I'm willing to bet it was actually CM who wrote the admission in that link
Well, he is already a tea drinking wanker
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:52 pm
by Darth Zenemij
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:29 am
by Lestat
[QUOTE=Aegis]Can't say that I have, but my razor comes out only to remove the facial hair I let build up due to laziness.[/QUOTE]
Same for me.
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:19 am
by Sytze
[QUOTE=dragon wench]Now how many of you men have used women's shaving equipment?
Let's turn the question around: how many of you woman have ever used men's shaving tools?
And just for the record, no I've never used a woman's razor. Usually I steal my dad's, although you can't really call it stealing since he never uses a razor blade.
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:49 am
by Cuchulain82
[QUOTE=dragon wench]I'm willing to bet it was actually CM who wrote the admission in that link
Another allusion to my all-time favorite thread at SYM!!! Oh Fas, will the heckling never cease...
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:42 am
by dragon wench
Another allusion to my all-time favorite thread at SYM!!! Oh Fas, will the heckling never cease...
I can just see him swanning around and happily trilling, "I am your Venus....." Exactly like in the ad for those razors
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:01 am
by Cuchulain82
[QUOTE=dragon wench]*snicker*
I can just see him swanning around and happily trilling, "I am your Venus....." Exactly like in the ad for those razors
LOL! Silky smooth, eh Fas? "Smooth action, no razor bumps- for his pleasure and hers." (chime in at any time WR)
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:36 pm
by Chanak
After using the horrendously expensive Gillette sensor razor blades for years - since, no matter what else I try, those horrendously overpriced blades work the best on my face and tough beard - I decided to look closely at the "Venus" razor cartridge and see if I could discern any difference.
The results of my research: these are an identical product, save for packing and marketing. The flexible three-blade cartridge is absolutely identical between the "mens" and "womens" product. So, in other words, it's all in the packaging.
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:22 pm
by TheAmazingOopah
I simply use an electronic one - not very manly, but then again, I'm probably too lazy for being manly. I always tell myself that one day I will stilefully shave myself the real way. But until that moment hasn't come, I won't be able to take the - ultimate manly - next step: shaving myself like a lady.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:43 am
by Magrus
Never have, just because when shaving, I destroy any razor I put to my face. I went and got myself a nice electric one and it just caught on the hair and tugged. I gave up on that, went to one of those nifty 3 bladed ones, it worked faster, but it was still worthless after using it two or three times. I settled on the cheapest ones and used them as disposables. It ended up being too expensive and too much work, so now I've got the full beard working. I've got a healthy respect for my hair, it can ruin cold steel.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:00 pm
by Chanak
@Magrus: I sympathize. I must use electric shears (or scissors) to reduce my beard to a length that can be successfully shaved once without ruining a razor, or causing ingrown hairs if I use an electric razor. Which is why nowdays I simply keep my beard at a certain length, and then thin it out some with electric shears every once in a while.
However, if I want to avoid looking like a cast member of the 80's film Quest for Fire, I must shave my neck. I do that regularly.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:14 pm
by Magrus
*nods* When I do decide to shave it all off, electic trimmers like the hair dresser's use to shave someone's head are what I need to use to trim it down and then I go through 2-4 razors just to get a close shave.
I've got that thick luxurious hair all my female friends say they want.
Heh. It's horrible to get rid of.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:43 pm
by Maharlika
No I haven't.
And I tend to agree with Chanak, that both types of razors (Men and Women's) are basically the same.
BTW, I use the three-bladed razor and I shave every three days. Lucky me, I never had any problems with my facial hair.
Just a thought @Magrus and Chanak: Why not try waxing instead?
Won't be surprised if Fas has tried it tho.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:05 pm
by Chanak
@Mah: Eat balut.
Lucky you! Despite having some native American heritage in my past - who, like most people of Oriental and Malaysian descent don't grow much facial hair - I suffer from the typical northern European affliction: thick and plentiful facial hair. The hair on my noggin follows suit, so I know what you mean @Magrus. I could do without it - for 5 years I decided I had enough of shaving and haircuts, so I just let it all grow. And you know, during that time it just kept getting longer, thicker, and more of a pain to live with. I looked like cousin It, felt like Captain Caveman, and kept having little kids in stores point at me and holler out "Look Mommy! It's Jesus!"
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:35 pm
by Magrus
My friend calls me her "Mountain Man",
no one's ever called ME "Jesus" though. "Satan" a few years ago yes, "Jesus" no.
Waxing? No way, nu-uh. I can't imagine wandering around the first few days with the lower half of my head being bright red and irritated from having all of that hair YANKED out of it.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:44 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Magrus]Waxing? No way, nu-uh. I can't imagine wandering around the first few days with the lower half of my head being bright red and irritated from having all of that hair YANKED out of it.
Well, if you did it around Halloween you might be able to ... pull it off
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:23 am
by Lestat
For those whose beards eat blades: try a barber. Having a shave is IMO one of the nicer (non-sexual) sensations a person can experience.
Admittedly it's dirt cheap over here (5 USD) which might not be the case in the US or Europe. And I have to argue each time to have him shave not only my beard but also my mustache (his words), but personally I don't like to look like some long lost half-brother of Bashir Assad. Of course you need to trust someone wielding a very sharp knife within less than an inch of your jugular.