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I don't know what happen to my SOA...and some questions...

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:52 am
by Mortal
What are the items that wizard slayer can't use?

First: When i started playing,I can't use healing potions, the magic resistance of wizard slayer was min 20

Second: I restart the game when i was about to go to spell hold
After I restart i was able to use healings potion and my magic
resistance was only 7

Third:Anyone know where to dl the latest patch?? what was the patch given to us when we got the game......I bought my BG2 3 years ago and my TOB 2 days ago...The tob I bought was the Collection edition now I got 8 disc of SOA

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:07 am
by Mortal
oh btw should I install SOA ans TOB using my new SOA cds or should I install using the Old SOA cds that I have for 2 years already?(sorry not 3 but 2)
I am currently trying to play SOA again

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:41 am
by tamenrot
The wizard slayer can't use any magical item (except weapons and armor), as the description of the kit says ;) I'm playing a wizard slayer, and she could't wear girdles of strenght :( ... but I dualled her to a thief... :D
The healing potions and antidotes are usable, but the strenght and etc potions are not.

Check this web to find the patches you want, and don't forget to read the installation advices. At you can find the official patch.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:14 pm
by Thrifalas
Good thing is that you don't miss out on anything essential, as you can boost STR with Angurvadal (a weapon purely made for Wizard Slayers :D ) and you can wear the Boots of Speed in some strange way. Kensais can use them although they can't use armors and Wizard Slayers can use them despite that they cannot use magical armors. Well well, I'm no the one to complain.

The only thing I know of that could mess up magical res is items that sets it to a specific amount. Do try and patch the game, and otherwise reinstall it. If that doesn't solve it... :/