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One final game

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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One final game

Post by Taint »

I've been a big BG fan since the first one was released ages ago. It is easily one of the best series I have had the pleasure of playing. Over the years, I've run through the game(s) quite a few times. Now I've been bitten by the bug again and want to try the one thing I've never done...a solo game. Its been over a year since I've touched the game, and would greatly appriactiate any advice on what mods I should go for as well as any ideas for a character.

Now keep in mind I've beaten the game with Ascension, Tactics, Sola (Eclipse encounter still makes me shudder ;) and probally others I've forgotten, so I'm not exactly a total newb to it all, and I'm not willing to resort to pure cheese to slop my way through the experiance (whats the point?).

So what I'm looking for is a list of mods that will make this game more enjoyable and challenging, but still doable for a solo character. I have my doubts about some of the Ascension encounters and such, but from what I gather they are possible to beat solo. Also, any mods that add on incredible new areas or something are definatly worth a mention, as I'm always down for a new experiance. Oh and any suggestions for a char would be welcome too.

Thanks in advance for any replies.
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Post by Thrifalas »

[QUOTE=Taint]I've been a big BG fan since...[/QUOTE]

Well, the only thing I can say is good luck, you're up for quite a challenge. I've soloed through the game, and a bit of ascension/tactics, and it's doable... but it won't be easy.

You must definately go something more... powerful, like fighter/thief (dual- or multi, ws or kensai if dual) or fighter/mage (same as before). That's the two options I'd reckon to have the highest chance of being able to complete the game with ascension/tactics.

Mod-wise I'm pretty clueless and thinks it varies a lot about which mods you "should" use, both depending on what you like and what mood you're in. But well... There's plenty of mod-specialists here so you'll get your answer. ^^ Gl with the play-through.

//edit: I accidentically quoted his whole post, which I thought was really unnecessairy.
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Post by Mortal »

I always solo the game when i started playing SOA...but there are few things to bear in mind when you solo....there are some items that you can't get without the help of other people unless you are of that class....i solo through using Mage/Thief and Wizard slayer...I currently playing solo again and wondered how I solo through wizard slayer since i encounter so many problem towards the end of the game using mage/Thief was easy but the oppenents are bear in mind that you have to be prepared to lose many things in the game
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