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trial of elders
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:19 pm
by Luc
i have problems with completing the trial.
i can't get potions any more and i have fighter lvl 9, they recommend to be lvl 8 but i have problems with my lvl 9. i really need potions, does anybody know where u can buy them, i can't get them at a apothecracy because fargrove is closed and the one in arendale to.
plz help me
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:12 pm
by BadBreath
Well, you can try running around in the wilderniss. Lots of baddies drop potions.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:56 pm
by swcarter
Yeah, you're in a bad place if you really need potions. Have you tried going to the temple in Arindale and buying some healing crystals?
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:11 pm
by Tarsellis
Sorry man, but I think you're SOL. Buying a butt ton of healing crystals is a good idea, and used with saved game loads to stop spawning, rushing to where you need to go, and camping out with your character or equipment menu open (to recharge crystals) could do the trick.
My best idea is to head back towards Fargrove, find a campfire, and run circles around it praying that goblins attack you. They love to drop healing potions, and when your hp get low you can hit the campfire to regen w/o causing random encounters.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:21 pm
by Luc
thanx for your help but i don't know how to use healing crystals and i just went in, it was a pitty to die 40 times because of it but i managed and i am through now. but could u tell me how to use celestial magic and rune magic?
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:54 pm
by Tarsellis
There's a couple ways.
First, hit E to go to you're equipment list, then click on celestial. then you can pick your crystals from there.
If you left click the crystal, then you use it immediatly. If you then hit E again, then you'll finish your spell, and nobody can start any new attacks while you do that (but ones in progress will still finish).
If you instead let your mouse hover over the crystal, then hit a number button 1-8 above your letters (I don't think the numberpad works), then which ever number you hit will be tied to the crystal. If you hit 1, then while you're playing, if you hit 1, you'll cast your spell while everything else continues.
Only the banshee (and possibly the part after) have random spawning. Otherwise you can just hit E to look at your equipment, and walk away. Time will keep moving (you'll heal, random spawning <i>may</i> make new encounters, magic will regenerate, attacks and magic started will finish) but no monsters will be able to attack you. When you're fully regenerated, and your crystals have recharged, then you can come back to the computer and finish killing things off.
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:28 am
by Luc
thank u very much, but could u also explain how to use rune magic because u can buy runes but how to use them?
thx for helping me out
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:18 am
by Tarsellis
Same way, but you have to buy an actual rune spell. That thing then tells you which runes, and how many (mana used divided by 100) you have to have to cast the spell. I don't think it's like nether magic where you can create spells without buying them first.
Also, at this point in the game, I think it's only possible to have 2 rune spells, rune armor, and rune strike. You can buy rune strike from the temple in Arindale, and rune armor from the temple in Fargrove. I'm also trying to track down where which runes and spells are found, so I'll submit my data as soon as I finish the game this time through.
Also, I don't remember what the witch lady in the swamp north of Fargrove has, but when I get out of the naga temple I'll check and let you know. She has at least one rune, I think some celestial spells, and I'm pretty sure she has cure poison potions, so if she does, she should probably also have healing potions. She's also a mage guild.
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:20 pm
by mAD sUXx
Well, t have found following runespells:
Rune Strike, Rune Armor,Rune Shield, Rune Blade,Rune Warrior, Sanctuary, Spitting Shield, Anti Magic Barrier or Shield (can´t remember), that´s it!
Except the Spitting Shield you can buy all spells from Grymlok at the Northlands!
You should go there as soon as possible and buy Sanctuary... it protects you (reduces damage) against ALL KINDS of magic! After stocking up the needed runestones (Sanctuary requires MANY of them) you can hold the mousepointer over the spell in order to see how many charges are available and for sure, which (and how many) runestones are needed for this spell!
To collect enough money you can kill the masses of mages, spiders and goblins that are running into your sword all around Grymloks tower! ... erview.php
Here you will find the location of Grymloks Tower.
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:36 pm
by Tarsellis
Kewl. I'll keep that in mind. I haven't been to Grymlock yet (I'm kind of traveling the world in order of closeness of the next mission), but remember he had a buttload of rune stuff from my last game. My game's kind of going slow today, I'm kind of busy multi-tasking, but I'll post my results to that point when I get there later today. I've also noticed that the same person may not always have the same spells/equipment, so may need to be spoken with several times to access all that they have.
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:38 pm
by Tarsellis
OK, I was wrong, Rianna the Wiccan does not natively carry any potions. However, you can 'seed' her. Go find the swamp north of the fargrove entrace and find Rianna the Wiccan in her little hut. Make sure you have at least one heal potion. Then you sell her your potion. The next time you talk to her, she'll have heal potions for sale. Now you can buy all the potions you can afford, in batches of up to 10.
Also, if you're out of money and still need more potions then make sure you have by some means 1) Bat Wings, 2) Ochre Pollen, 3) Ophelia Wart, and 4) Scorpian Tails. I think she sells all these too, but if not, sell 1 of each that she doesn't have to her, then she'll carry them. Next go to your equipment menu (Hit E), click the nether option, and add each of those 4 ingredients. Mix up a buttload of Poison Cloud spells. Sell the spells to Rianna.
I haven't found any other profitable spells, but those ingredients, assuming you have minimum honor and bargain, cost $60/spell to buy, and can be sold at $87/spell. If you sell 100 you net yourself 2700 bucks. Ain't much. Takes a while to get much money. But that's the only spell that I've found profitable in v1.3. I'd like to know if somebody else has a better one.
Actually, for that matter, I think you can seed any shop with any item. You should be able to do this in Arindale too, so you don't have to travel so far. Arindale charges more for stuff tho, probably to everybody but elves.