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Does anyone have Lightrider Hall and Elegant Shawls mods

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dragon wench
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Does anyone have Lightrider Hall and Elegant Shawls mods

Post by dragon wench »

I'm trying to rebuild my lost game, and in order to make this work properly I want to have all of the mods installed that were a part of that game.
It appears that Tes4 is no longer operational, and my searches on Google suggest this was the mod's only location. (note: I have already checked the Summit)

If anyone happens to have this mod and could send it to me, I'd really appreciate it. Just PM me, and I'll send you my email address :)

Also, I'm trying to find the fixed version of Elegant Shawls, which was on Tes4 as well. So again, if anyone has it, I'd be much obliged

Thanks in advance!

@Fable, any chance you could edit my title to reflect both mod queries? Cheers :)
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