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Duel wielding - Which duel combo does the most damage?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 7:45 am
by concluder1
Did anyone previously do a topic on which duel wielding combo does the most damage? If not which ones do you think?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 12:53 pm
by TheDude
Crom/Flail of Ages: Hurt Much
Crom/Celestial Fury: Hurt Much
Crom/Belm: Hurt Much
Celestial Fury/Flail of Ages: Hurt Much
Celestial Fury/Belm: Hurt Much
Belm/Flail of Ages: Hurt Much

those are the weapons the Hurt Much with Crom/FoA and Crom/Fury do the most dammage.

any combo with those 4 + The Blackrazor: Hurt Very Much but u get him very late.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 1:00 pm
by Stoner Cold
bah, i didnt like any of the swords in SoA or ToB, so i made my own ones :p .but, crom and flail of ages might be best or belm and crom.

why does everyone think celestial fury is really good? its not, it sucks. the only good thing about it is that it does 1d10 damage.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 1:30 pm
by Craig

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 2:03 pm
by Ned Flanders
Maybe it just seems to work really well for me, but that stunning option on celestial fury works wonders. It seems to work on most targets, not all, and with multiple attacks per round, you can stun two sometimes three enemies in a round.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 2:04 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Celestial fury has one nice effect, it has thunderstrike, which will pin a target for a few rounds while you whale on it.

The only other that does that consistantly is flail of ages and the slow effect, and the staff of thunder and lightning, which is a damned good staff. This makes celestial fury and staff of thunder and lightning on the same quality as the foa, with its slow effect. in fact, foa is not that great a weapon, except for the slow effect. and for chars who cannot use flails, like imoen or yoshimo, its ideal for meelee.

Special note...clelestial fury's slow effect is effective even if the target is immune to slashing weapons! Worked against clay golems, wot!

My favorite two wweapon combo, is crom feyr and equalizer.

hurt lots and inv to charm and hold, better than harmony shield, you get the extra attack! and equalizer is surprisingley effective.

Weapons that do a immobolizing effect
is far superior to hold and stun effect spells. if the target is partially immune, or has high saves for it, keep whacking away and sooner or later the effect will kick ina and they wont make the repeated save eventually. so a spelled weapon is better for those long, nasty battles.

With TOb installed, andurvisal the flaming sword and foe bane come to mind. foebane will whack any demon with about as much damage as holy avenger against chaotic evil, and the flaming sword upgraded will increase str to 22!

not as good as crom, I will admit, but still more than sufficient to make monster hamburger.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 3:28 pm
by Lykwid
Crom fear + Flail of ages ,
Gives you "hit through stoneskin" ability in both hands , also the flail is upgradeable to +5 later so youll have 2 +5 weapons.


Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 3:47 pm
by Xyx
Unless you have some other way to attain godly levels of Strength (tomes/potions/stacking various stuff), I'd say Crom Faeyr has to be included.

Flail of Ages is great! No enemy in SoA can take it, except for Kangaxx. Those elemental damages really add up. In ToB, it probably becomes the most damaging one-handed weapon in the game. It's also very easy to get, meaning you will enjoy the benefits of specializing for nearly the whole game (as opposed to Crom or the Axe of the Unyielding).

Belm +2 is also an interesting possibility, as is adding in Kundane.

Some number crunching:

Base weapon damages (all enhancement and elemental damages included):
  • Crom: 13 damage per hit.
  • Flail of Ages: 10.5 per hit.
  • Belm: 6.5 per hit.
  • Kundane: 5.5 per hit.
Assuming you have 2 attacks per round and have either Crom or the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength...

Various damage bonuses:
  • Grand Mastery: +3.
  • "Crom" Strength (25): +14.
  • "Frost Giant" Strength (23): +11.
  • Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise: +2.
  • Berserk: +2.
That's either +18 or +21 per hit.

Crom & Belm:
  • 3.5 swings with Crom for 13 + 21 each: 119.
  • 1 swing with Belm for 6.5 + 21: 27.5.
  • 146.5 total.
Pretty good, and Crom's lightning gets through most Stoneskins (not Liches though; they're immune to lightning).

Flail & Crom:
  • 2.5 swings with Crom for 13 + 21 each: 85.
  • 1 swing with the Flail for 10.5 + 21: 31.5.
  • 116.5 total.
30 less, but you slow your enemies and do various types of elemental damage.

Belm & Kundane:
  • 4.5 swings with Belm for 6.5 + 18 each: 110.25.
  • 1 swing with Kundane for 5.5 + 18: 23.5.
  • 133.75 total.
More than Crom & the Flail! Pretty damn good for one of the more unusual combos, I would say. Misses out big time on slow and Stoneskin-ignoring elemental damages, though.

So, the winner is: Crom & Belm.

I'll just leave it up to someone else to follow with an analysis that includes Draw Upon Holy Might, Tenser's, Kai, Chant, Luck and Assassin Poison... :D

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 9:20 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Crom does lightning damage? Since when????

Its not in the discription, and i've enver noticed it!!!

How many points? and is it per strike or just once in a while????

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2001 12:52 am
by Magior
Without the Str modification, Crom does 2d4+3 damage. That's 8 on average. Now you get 13. If Crom does 5 lightning damage per hit, that's definetely news for me.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2001 12:55 am
by Magior
And yet another thing, Frost Giant Strength is 21, not 23.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2001 6:12 am
by Xyx
I know it's not in the description, but whenever I bashed something with Crom, I saw a flash of lightning and a 5-point damage message... I'll have to check again!

Is that 2d4+3 stated in the description really correct? If it's a +5 weapon, where's the +5 enchantment damage modifier?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2001 7:03 am
by Magior
A vanilla long sword does 1d8, a vanilla war hammer does 1d4+1, a vanilla two-hander does 1d10 damage.

Namarra +2 does 1d8+4, Crom Faeyr +5 does 2d4+3 and Carsomyr +5 does 1d12+5. There isn't exactly a pattern here, is there?

Does anyone have a kensai and crom and could test what's it's real base damage? Damage bonuses calculated and subtracted, naturally.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2001 12:51 am
by MegaToerist
There's another powerful weapon combo to be found in ToB: Answerer/Belm. You'll really prepare the poor enemy for a serious beating :) .

TC, Geert

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2001 2:36 am
by Craig
Avaguel and FoA

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2001 12:55 pm
by Xyx
I checked the Crom lightning damage stuff.

Description mentions 5 lightning damage (I have the Baldurdash Game Text Update, maybe that's why).

I whack someone; flash of lightning, message saying I did 5 damage to so-and-so.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2001 1:47 am
by Craig
Can any one check the upgraded avaguel (gives 22 strength

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2001 3:07 am
by Craig
ok i will
Storm star
1d6+6=+36(chain lightning)
crom Fayaer 2d4+ 5
+14 damage
any thing else

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 9:19 am
by Craig
It should come to 122, but your damaging almost every other enemy... :)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:38 am
by Bloodstalker
Swashbuckler duel weilding Celestial fury and and other weapon you want, wearing that helm that lets you cast Silicrum(sp) so you get 2 of you stunning and smaking things around.

use any item rocks. :D

personaly, I am duelling CF with blade or roses in SoA, and then Runehammer in ToB.