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Post known bugs here
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:35 pm
by Naka
Hello to all the fans of this great game!
You have a chance to post any known bugs, any stuff that you want improved, fixed with the following patch/es. Please, list them all in this topic as 1, 2, 3 etc.
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:46 pm
by Naka
Here are some spells, items, monsters etc.. that seems to not work correctly or needs an extra check. I can be wrong, but i have tested these.
Magic, "Nether":
1. Choking cloud - doesnt work.
2. Suffocating cloud - doesnt work.
Rings, amulets:
1. If you have a ring/amulet placed in the slot, and you are trying to change to another, you "cant". We say: there are 4 slots for rings and you have all slots used. Then you find 1 ring that is way better and you wish to use it instead of the one that is allready in the slot. You remove that "old" one, but the new one "wont" get into that empty slot. Instead it changes the "third" ring in the slot. So that fourth remains empty, and you cant put anything there, "except" that old ring you had there.
1. Moon beasts can swim?
2. Bees can swim?
3. When hitting monster "with melee, ranged and magic attacks", it climbes mountains, walls, trees etc..
4. Dragons "sitting" in the air, when idle. Arent they suppose to stay on the ground or atleast "fly" in the air?
1. For example: potion of Power, Bloodlust, last for like 3-5 seconds "maximum". I mean, it takes to "load" potions effect for about 2 seconds, then you have to load it again in 3-5 seconds. In this time, you can hit a monster like 2 or 3 times with the sword or a bow. I am trying to say that duration of the potions are not long enough. It is not even worth it.
1. Letter to Lord Davenmor is remaining in the "quest log", even after you completed the quest.
2. Same for the Shadow Ruins quest, log remains there even after completed quest.
I will update the list above as soon as i find anything else.
Meaning with this is NOT to offend, or anything. It is only to make this great game better.
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:01 pm
by Hounder
ALthough it is in thoeory not implemented, I say the heraldries need activated or something needs to be demonstrated that they are working. Personally, this needed to be fixed far ahead of the automap, sicne the automap is merely a perk that makes the game easy, whereas the heraldries are supposed to be an integral part of the game. If they are not to be activated, they need to be removed.
Honor/ Influence also needs to be activated.
It may be just my opinion, but ninjitsu nees looked at. It seems strange to me that you have greater attack range with ninjitsu, or at least the opponents do, that you do with a spear. That could be a bug, or it may not be.
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:52 pm
by kkizzle
1) when u get to the final stage of the trials, if u save then load your game, you cant move on. aka ur stuck........I did this when i was @ level 11.....
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:22 pm
by yaladwen
Using the boxed version with no patching I can say that the nether magic cloud type poison spells DO work. Also, bloodlust works for a fairly long while on my charactor. Poison touch is one of the fews spells I have come by that will not work, along with pain sting. Rune strike and rune sheild do not give any 'provable' raise in strike or armor stats when used, however, like heraldries, they may still be working?
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:43 pm
by Giladain
Patch 1.3 issue
Patch 1.3 does not work with boxed US version that installs v1.20
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:27 pm
by chow
This happens sometimes for the sword of flame or rod of divinty, that if you swing it too often, the "flame" that appears everytime you wield the weapon stays there even when you're not wielding it. And it doesn't matter even if you switched to other weapons the flame remains. just a little bug. Save and load again...
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 6:43 am
by Agamemnon
Stuck in the arena, too
Similar to the Trial of the Elders, if you're in a fight in the arena and you save, you get stuck. I guess it served me right for hopping the mountains and going to Skuldoon at lvl 4.
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:02 am
by Roggie
Summon giant spell
Halo all d lorders,
Seems like the summon giant spell does not work for my thief. Anyone tried this spell yet?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:00 pm
by Lord Mage
I was in the lost lake and bees killed me so I sank and went through the seafloor and was in the demon Place at the last area.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:38 pm
by Willi40
Hitting the ground like that dumb coyote
Not entirly sure if this could be considered something to big but its annoying non the less. ive had it happen a few times mostly around lake Dread for soem reason i get launched into the air who knows how high but just high enough for me to smack the ground and kill me its happened 4 times now its happened around lake dread 3 outa the 4 times the 4th happened as i was fighting a fire drake near arindale i just apear like 10 miles up and start falling straight down and die id assume this is a bug but im wondering if anyone else has had it happen to them id hate to be the only one to experience this
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:18 pm
by lparnell
I had this happen to me once, but I did not die. It was later in the game and I had higher hit points and higher acrobat skill, which I think helps you to take less damage from a fall - at least I think that is correct. I have never had it happen since, so I am not sure what triggers this.
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:50 pm
by thingsmith
More Bugs
1. Venom and Winter Dagger do nothing for Fighter class.
2. You can cast any level of spell that he can afford or find.
3. Can not seem to find any medium weapons that will take in the second spot for Deathlord Medium Dual Wield.
4. Class Quests and secondary class quests can be done if reverse order. (True for both BattleMage and Fighter.)
5. No way to join womens guild if you rescue Lady before you have talked to tavern maid.
6. Rune Spells disappear after you talke to Gyminor (sp) on how to enter Vale of Ruin. (Now that I can afford them)
7. Bloodgill can swarm on shore by water.
8. Moon Beast can sit underwater until they are ready to be killed.
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:49 pm
by Ekzebiche
Often i've stuck at the edge of sepulchers, when it opens... Nothing could i done, only to load last save...
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:59 pm
by CM
Moses~tBD^ i would suggest you post only bugs and not rants.
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:48 pm
by Moses~tBD^
You can join the celestial order
the dialogue will tell you that you recieved the candle required to complete the first quest
and actually become a member
it is not in your inventory
and you cannot complete the first or any quest
returning to a Temple is no help
you are merely told to complete a quest that you cannot complete
and when you show up at the altar it just says 'Item Required'
As we all know, you cannot 'resign' from the guild, therefore you are stuck with a char that cannot join another guild and is handicapped by having a guild that cannot be joined.
Edit: Please only post the bugs. No commentary. Not side comments. Explain the bug and that is it.
You can add the quotes in your signature.
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:44 pm
by Kel
I need Air____bug
There are still alot of spells that do not work. I tried swimming in Lake
Hadoen for the chest and almost died using both the potion 'Liguid Air'
and 'Crystal of Air'. I get down to the bottom by the chest and start to
die so I take some more Air to no effect and have to pump healing
potions and head for the surface.
I also noticed that these spells don't work: Levitation, Prizmatic Crystal,
Freeze, Whirlwind, Blasting Wind, Confusion. Iceball, Freezing Vapor, Zap
and Firestorm. The spells that I listed are just the ones that I remember
right now after almost drowning in Lake Hadoen.
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:17 am
by Demon_4369
Bug's i'v notest with V1.3
the Multi player bugs i'v found so far... seem's to be that the screen go's black on the NON host machine's... the game is still runing.. but the other player's screen's are black, and cant be restored... this happed 5 time's to ramdom players last lan session i had.. Also some time's a non host player.. can sell a spell book... but it remanes in there invintory... there for alowing for him to sell it again, and again, and again, for unlimited cash..also... (this only happed during one game) when we tryed to exit Fargrove from the W gate.. we got tealaported back to the start of the Fargove sewers, it also gliched in Lord devinmore's castle.. we tred to leave... and ended up geting telaported back inside again...
notest small helmit glitch with human female and the grim helmit... the player's head move's but the helmit dont... and will sometime's crash the game.. if left on for to long. might have been a 1 time glich thow.. havent botherd trying the helmit again since..
notest that Ninjitsu eather give's you your spechal attack right off the hop at level 1... or dont give it to you at all... still a little confused about that one...
also notest that all non human/elvin race's have no acess to any class with ninjitsue in it, unless i'm doing something wrong.. or it's suposed to be that way? it rather discureage me from playing the monster race's because of that..
Similar effect with dule weald, but the power attack is more... easly notest (there for works) and some time's quit's leting the spechal attack work at level's 2 to 4
Cant repare shields eather (since no one put that yet)
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:59 am
by BlueOval
I'm not sure if this is a bug or, perhaps, my nether magic skill is too low for the spell to work? (My nether is only 3.) I thought the skill level denoted area of affect and duration.. In any event, no nether summon spell above 'Summon Rats' will work for me. Playing v1.3 as a Rogue/Adept Budoka/Paladin Ninja Lord.
Moses~tBD^: The celestial quest with the candle worked for me. I'm not sure if the candle was in my inv or not. Been too long now to recall, but I did complete the quest.
Kel: Thanks for posting that. I'll sell off my potions of air then. Btw, did you get to open the chest or does running out of air affect you while disarming too?
thingsmith: Can anyone cast scrolls? I've found numerous ones and the only ones that I've been able to cast are Resurrections. I can't cast Blast Nova.
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:33 am
by Vequ
In the Nether school, it seems that what you can cast is denoted by rank of Nether skill. Strange yeah, but when I used nether spells like summoning spells, or offensive spells, It would not work with a 1 in Nether. only Blade of Baal worked. When i upped Nether to 10, I casted all my spells successfully (Kinda cool the little army i had).