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LV 1 SORCERER can't cast sleep?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:38 pm
Just started playing. Installed patch. Lv. 1 sorcerer has sleep, confirmed. When pressing F5 the button for the spell is grayed out. When hovering the cursur over it I get "Sleep beyound sorcerer casting ability (F1)"

So if it is beyound my ability why do I have it?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:31 pm
by Dedigan
I do believe that your charisma is too low.
Restart with 18 charisma for the sorcerer and try again. Sorcerers depend on their charisma score to cast spells. With 11 charisma, they can cast level 1 spells, with 19 charisma, they can cast level 9 spells.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:55 pm
by Aerich
Yes, low charisma is probably the reason. For spellcasting purposes, bards and sorcerors need Cha, wizards and specialists need Int, and divine spellcasters (cleric, druid, medium to high level paladin and ranger) need Wis.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:41 pm
by myrophine
I also know of a suit of armor (black dragons) that grays out spells and even special abilities (barbarian rage eg).

But I think its charisma too. Unlike BG2 the sorceror needs charisma to cast spells not intelligence.

Here is what they need to cast each level or just use the formula 10 + x = charisma needed to cast a level x spell.

spell level // charisma
1 // 11
2 // 12
3 // 13
4 // 14
5 // 15
6 // 16
7 // 17
8 // 18
9 // 19
your dreaming of 10th level spells aren't you?
