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Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:38 pm
by hagar
how do you fix this oswalds airship, I collect all the stuff and put in on the table and.....nothing happens after many days

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:09 pm
by Siberys
pretty sure what you were doing in the temple with the clerics has to be completed for the 'days' to pass. I never got past that part, but then again, I never tried normal. Always done heart of whatever it's called at level 1. Quite hard indeed.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:09 pm
by myrophine
It could be the stuff at the temple (not sure).

You could try looking in a walk-through what the conditions are needed to complete.


-check that you DO have all of the stuff including bellodonna and TWO diamonds.

-check that you put everything on the table

-and #3 (if I recall right) you need to talk to Oswald! When you put all the right items there is a flash. Then nothing happens untill you have dialogue with oswald and either tell him something like "your airship is damaged" or "i have all the stuff for the mending spell".

Anyhow the first two ideas are definately necessary and I do think you need to talk to him first but I could be wrong.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:03 pm
by hagar
I did put all the stuff their and talk to oswald and have killed the werewolf clerics

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:31 am
by Aerich
I'm pretty sure the materials just sit there until you clear out the Ice Temple, as Siberys said. I sat around for a week once, after putting all the components on the table, and nothing happened. Oswald was still there all through my time in the Ice Temple (I checked a couple of times), but was gone after I moved on to the next area.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:53 am
by myrophine
Did the table flash and a sound when the final item was put on it?
SPOILER in black (highlight text)
Honestly I think I usually gobble up that xp before I even go into the area to the east of andora (the ranger and druid city) after picking up...

a diamond in oswalds locked chest
another diamond in andora? or am I imagining things
spider silk from frost spiders...only use one you can sell the other two
wood from near or two? I can't remember
metal object from captain yursts broken armor and sell to oswald
belladonna from Andora lead crossbowman (uses Hagens folly crossbow)
Thrym extract from oswalds potion collection

If there is not a second diamond in andora then i have just remembered incorrectly and you will need to advance further on and you might as well wait untill you've cleared out at least most of the ice temple before trecking all the way back to the crash site.

If you feel you need the xp to beat the enemies in or before the ice temple I have two ideas. Sleep outdoors and kill wandering monsters for xp. Or try new tactics/request tactics online for beating a particular foe. I only say this because I had trouble with some of the foes untill I found their strengths and weaknesses.


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:28 am
by Ravager
Once you have the materials and placed them on the table, Oswald should cast his fixing spell and you will get the experience. The ship will not move until you have rescued Nathaniel (or until you have completed the Ice Temple area).
Although the ship will not immediately move after the spell has been cast, you should later revisit as Oswald should leave some gifts.