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Possible music related bug

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:20 am
by Stuntie
Was playing Bloodlines - then next day boom. Everytime I tried to enter The Asylum it would crash to desktop.

I had been litstening to the Licenced Music mp3 just before firing up Bloodlines - opened them up in Windows media player.
Checked the folder and noticed that the date of two of them had changed to 'todays date'. Ministry one and Chiasm one.
Hmmmm Chiasm is the Asylum song....

Got the originals off CD 1 (in there in the Vampire folde somewhere)
And hey presto, Asylum up and swinging....

May be pure coincidence, but may be a bug/solution, so I thought I'd post it.


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:51 pm
by yrthwyndandfyre
Nice catch. I wouldn't say bug/solution. I'd say copy protection. There is no valid reason to check the datestamp on a file unless the intent is to determine if the file has been changed, or if the file has a certain age (for example removing log files more than a week old). If the game checks for that, it had to be done on purpose.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:50 pm
by Adahn
I know this thread is really old, and I already bumped one that was also old. But I think this should be perhaps not stickied but something should be said about it. Since I just got the same problem and apparently it's something that happens to people who are curious enough to wanna listen to the game music. - It's not obvious, and some even think that it might be a problem with their graphics card. It isn't. It's this music thing. So again forgive me for bumping this but in my judgement I think it bears importance.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:54 am
by Aldurin
Is there another way to fix it without c/p the music files in the cd?

And , i think this thread should be a sticky.