Barbarian vs. Berserker
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:06 pm
Which do you prefer and why?
Edited to add class/kit descriptions
Edited to add class/kit descriptions
Immune to Backstab
1-12 HP per level rather than 1-10
+2 Movement Bonus
Rage once/day for every 4 levels (while raged, +4 Constitution and Strength for 5 rounds, +2 AC penalty, +2 Save vs. Magic, Immune to Charm, Hold, Fear, Maze, Confusion, Level Drain)
At level 11, 10% resistance to Slashing, Piercing, Crushing, and Missile Weapons (+5% for every 4 levels thereafter)
Cannot wear full plate or plate mail armor
Cannot go beyond normal weapon specialization (++)
Berserker(Fighter kit)
Can use Berserker Rage once per day for every 4 levels (While raged: +2 bonus to hit and damage, -2 AC bonus, Immune to: Level Drain, Charm, Hold, Fear, Maze, Imprisonment, Stun, and Sleep, temporary 15 HP increase [taken away at end of rage - could cause death])
Advanced Weapon Specialization (+++++)
Can use any weapon
Can use any armor
Winded after Rage (suffers -2 penalty to hit and damage, and a +2 AC penalty)
Cannot specialize in ranged weapons (+ only)