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More than 7 Harry Potter Books? (SPOILER)
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:08 pm
by Steven00009
SPOILERS....................................................................SPOILER WARNING!
It would be cool to see harry as more of an adult, before he finally defeats Voldemort.
Because now, in 6/7 book harry still seems sort of immarture, IMO.
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:44 am
by Rookierookie
He was growing all the way up to the 4th book, and then started going downhill with the Order of Phoenix. He is less mature in the 6th book than he was in the first.
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:27 am
by Luis Antonio
He's supposed to be a teenager not an educated child anymore. Besides, he's Harry, and its all up to Harry, so its natural that he gets his Dudley days every now and then.
Regarding the books, J. K Rowling said she wont be writing another HP book after the seventh. And I guess she's right.
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:59 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]
Regarding the books, J. K Rowling said she wont be writing another HP book after the seventh. And I guess she's right.[/QUOTE]
Exactly! I don't see how there could be any more Harry Potter books after the seventh, the concluding chapters in book six made it quite clear how the final episode will play out. Harry goes off to find what he must, and there will be a final showdown against Voldemort.
And I really hope Rowling wouldn't stoop to writing about Harry's kids or something equally awful
I just finished this last book about half an hour ago.... Those final chapters were pretty intense....
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:24 am
by TheAmazingOopah
Just finished the book a few hours ago, and in the overall, it was quite good. Not as good as part 1, 3 or 4, but definitely better than the fifth one, which hadn't a very interesting story (IMO) and was just the usual stuff: Harry going to Hogwarts (though not before something "suspicious" happens, which he witnesses of course, as he's at the right place at the right moment), weird things starting to happen, Harry slowly starting to get on to something, none of the teachers really believe him, the year draws to an end, Voldemort shows up to say hello once more, Harry survives just by an inch, everything gets sorted out and everything becomes clear. Basicly, all the books follow roughly this path. It's not that you really hear me complaining, because the books are always highly suspenseful, making me read on and on with increasing speed for the last few chapters that explain it all. Also, every book seems to have his own special thing. But the thing is, that it felt like Rowling could continue with this routine forever and ever (wouldn't it be of course that Hogwarts has only seven years), writing each time another puzzle that takes excactly in one schoolyear, and ends with another He-Most-Not-Be-Named encounter. This is the easiest and most logical way, but I was hoping all the time for a book that would step of the path and would glue the books more together. With the Half-Blood Prince, something like that has happened, as not only did Rowling didn't tried to fill the book with puzzle pieces to the edge, thus creating more space for usual stuff, like the school subjects, or simply more detailed subscriptions of the weather (sounds boring, when I put it like that), but also did she take Harry of Hogwarts, so that the seventh book probably will be less routine, and more of a new way of the telling a Potte story.
And I agree with Luist Antonio and dragon wench that the seventh book will be probably the last one, as the finding of the four Horcruxes and the Dude himself shouldn't take more space than one book. Because it would be best to end the series with the killing of Voldemort, as that seems to be clear by now, and rather logical, as Voldemort is trying to do the same thing with Harry. Though I do find it a bit crude, how determined Harry seems to be to actually kill him, and how everone is encouraging him. It almost seems blood thirsty, making them see not much worse than the Death Eaters. I can understand it with Harry wanting revenge, and all the evil things V. did, but it just seems this thing that the bad buy ultimately always has to die, instead of sending him to prison (at least in the main stream). It gives the reader/viewer a better feeling, I suppose, as it does with me, as I think it's the most "pleasant" ending, with Voldemort out of the way. Rowling still could have brought it a bit more sophisticated though.
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 7:08 pm
by Ekental
Well since this contains spoilers etc.
You could totally drag out the HP series past 7 books. Lets see, 1 for every horcrux and then 1 for the last battle. You can draw that one out too if you ALMOST defeat Voldemort but then accidently leave 1/7 of his soul. Then to create more books it becomes a matter of soul division again, though im sure that gets tedious and an alternative method of extension will arise till the series has been thoroughly beaten to death.
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:28 am
by werebeargoddess
I'm kinda hoping that there won't. I mean, yeah, I like the HP series, and yeah, it would be kinda interesting to see what the kids of the main characters do, but IMO it would be kinda be drawn out. She'll have, IMO, a hard time to come up with new material for a new series. It would get kinda boring.
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:49 pm
by Steven00009
i mean, were not talking about a middle school kid trying to come up with a poem for there english class though ... this is J.K. Rowling, i mean look at her previous books, if she can write those, i think she can "expand" the series a bit to show a few more years, IMO.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:54 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Steven00009]i mean, were not talking about a middle school kid trying to come up with a poem for there english class though ... this is J.K. Rowling, i mean look at her previous books, if she can write those, i think she can "expand" the series a bit to show a few more years, IMO.

OK ok, but please, make it Hermione Granger and not Harry Potter. Like Hermione Granger and the Mistery of the Malfoy Library. I mean, you'll see for yourself: if she continues after the seventh book without at least stopping for, say, seven years and starting with a whole new storyline with whole new characters based on the fear of Voldemort or something you'll have a very dull story, that wont keep you reading.
I hope in the last book Harry get married, with kids, beat up Dudley, and Voldemort of course, and get rich, but please, make him work at the ministry of magic, but not be the star once again.
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:19 pm
by Steven00009
i mean with all the horcruxes... she could easily say.. like for instance, harry could find some kind of magigal substance that could revive Dumbledore, then have to find all the horcruxes, then finally defeat voldemort.
. .
i think what will happen is that harry will find out that he is the descendant of godric gryfindor, and salazar slytherin! like say Gryfindor had a rebellious son, and slytherin a rebellious daughter, they run off have children. just a very deep thought though....
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:10 pm
by dragon wench
I think there is a very clear structure to these books, and this has been increasingly evident in the last two or three. They have become steadily darker, they have been steadily progressing towards a grand finale.
I truly can't see how there could be more to the series, it would be sort of like a sequel to LOTR involving Aragorn and Arwen's children...

It would be anticlimactic, it would seem forced and it just would not feel right.
I can, however, see Rowling embarking on a new series of books at some point. Obviously, she does not need the money, but she clearly enjoys writing.
Also, I think in the way that Dumbledore's funeral was portrayed, he is very definitely dead. I might be wrong, but that is just my POV.
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:55 pm
by Steven00009
yeah, but for a wizard like DD, it just seems like child's play to fake a death, to draw out Voldemort. IMO
And like i said, if she wanted to stretch the series out a bit she could make a book for each of the horcruxes, then one for the final battle.
But that will probably all be conbined into the 7th, but that will one long
book!Maybe it will be the first to break a 1000 pages(US version, i dunno how many pages the UK version is)
Spoilers Below
.SPOILERS!!!!!!! just a little further!
Its funny i always thought that hagrid would end up dying in the early-middle books, but DD? i thought maybe he was actually harry's grandfather or (great-grandfather?he's like 150 years old), i mean the clues are out there, DD was in gryfindor house as a child, posseses Fawkes who is said to have belonged to Godric Gryfindor himself, Gryfindor's sword and his hat(sorting hat) he has a Gryfin on his office door, and is awfully kind to harry. And it's very obvious that harry is the heir of Godric Gryfindor. IMOAnd if there was no family connection how did DD get james possesions? unless it was in a will or something for DD to give it to harry
But on the subject of Rowling writing another series... im pretty sure i saw on interview somewhere that she will asume another name.
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:59 pm
by Miracle
[QUOTE=Steven00009]yeah, but for a wizard like DD, it just seems like child's play to fake a death, to draw out Voldemort.[/QUOTE]
I do not agree. IMO all that Dd did in the sixth HP book was very well planned and we may possibly find ourselves surprised by the information in the seventh book that Snape never left the Order. The murder meight have been the fing to stirr Harry to action, or to make him find out that he has to do all those fings alone, that the others were there only to help him start it. But it is only my private opinion. But remember how he immobilised Harry, he could have defeated all those Death-Eaters quite easily with Harry's wand or could have protected himself from disarming. It sounds too easy.
[QUOTE=Steven00009]And if there was no family connection how did DD get james possesions? unless it was in a will or something for DD to give it to harry[/QUOTE]
Again I dare to disagree. Harry meight be Griffindor's heir but that does not mean any relation to Dd. Dd just sees Harry for what he is: an orphan, abused by the Dursleys, but most importantly his only chance of defeating Vlodemort. So he cared for him, tought him, guided him all the time. And for the cloack, well, wasn't James very close to Dd? It meight have been brought to him from the ruins of Potter's house, or from the possesion of the recently arrested now dead Sirius Black Jamse's best friend. Who knows, but I don't think anything shows a hint of Harry beeing Dd's relativ. And remember the beginig of the first HP book. Dd said that Dursleys were his only family left.
And to the "more HP books" problem, it would seem as you said somehow forced to write mor about him - too long. But in my life, ther would be an empty space where the longing for the next HP book was.
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:22 pm
by ch85us2001
Does anybody else think that the sword harry pulled out of the sorting hat in the second book could be a horcrux? Imean it was gryffyndors wasnt it?
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:37 pm
by Hill-Shatar
I bet Rowling will find some way to drag the finale out... this has made her, what, a billionare? She might try to do the 7th book, part 1 sort of thing. Then part two... its like a dead tree branch. This series has been witherin towards the end. In the book i looked at it as i read and found I was making completely different decisions all the time. Since the beginning of the fifth its been going downwords. I hope she makes it o upwards one more time, and then decideds to snip the branch.
And by the way, I think people already know what RAB stands for...please. I think I figured it out in, what, 2 minutes?
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:33 pm
by ch85us2001
Ok what does RAB stand for?
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:15 pm
by VonDondu
[QUOTE=ch85us2001]Does anybody else think that the sword harry pulled out of the sorting hat in the second book could be a horcrux? I mean it was gryffyndors wasnt it?[/QUOTE]
If Voldemort had been able to steal it, he might have used it. If I remember correctly, I think he wanted to become a teacher at Hogwarts so that he could steal such items. But since he couldn't steal the sword, and since he couldn't lock it away somewhere safe from his enemies, I really don't think the sword could be a horcrux. Nice guess, though.
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:52 pm
by Hill-Shatar
In any case, Dumbledore doesn't protect it anymore. Maybe he'll just make another.
And after reading the message in the locket and finding out that he was hiding not from some small henchmen, but Voldemort himself, as said in the book, and the fact that he wanted to pull out of the Deatheaters, and a whole bunch of other clues, I'm guessing RAB stands for Regulus *something* Black, although once I think I heard his middle name and i think it started with an A.
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:13 am
by Brynn
SPOILER!!!! If you haven't read the 7th book don't read further!
Aw, I just don't know what to say... I finished the book weeks ago (bought it as soon as it was released), enough time has passed by now to start it over again
Anyway, this Half-Blood Prince "mystery" was a joke, imho. It was so clearly obvious b/c of the Potion book, wasn't it? No surprise there.
But DD dying... that really struck me. Our Hero grew up in a family where he was hated, unwanted, had no friends to talk to, no parents to rely on - then he goes to Hogwarts where he finds a great protector, Dumbledore, discovers his grandfather, Sirius... Everything seems to get better when suddenly Sirius dies, and now the very last hope seems to be gone, too...
I think this all prepares a scene of some side-characters to step into the light. I do believe that Neville (+ his Mimbulus Mimbeltonia) and Hagrid will have a significant role in the final battle with Voldie (wouldn't bet who will win, though, seeing the tendency of the books to get darker and darker I could easily see a tragic end fit this storyline).
Another thing: how did you take this Harry-Ginny romance? For me it was a bit odd, don't know why. But it's definitely a part of teenage life so it's good it's there

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:33 am
by TheAmazingOopah
Anyway, this Half-Blood Prince "mystery" was a joke, imho. It was so clearly obvious b/c of the Potion book, wasn't it? No surprise there.[/QUOTE]
Well, to be honest, it came as a surprise to me. I expected the whole book long that Voldemort would be the Half-Blood Prince, as he probably liked to use evil spells on stupid Gryffindors, was a very talented student and of course for half a part a Mudblood. It was a very obvious thought, I know, WAY too obvious, and I was wondering what Rowling was thinking to have such an obvious mystery. I believe that Harry even came up with the idea, that it could be Voldemort, and it should be at that point for me to realize that it couldn't be him, as something like that always gets revealed in a very surprising manner at a very surprising moment. Well, at least I got the chance to experience the surprise.
I think this all prepares a scene of some side-characters to step into the light. I do believe that Neville (+ his Mimbulus Mimbeltonia) and Hagrid will have a significant role in the final battle with Voldie (wouldn't bet who will win, though, seeing the tendency of the books to get darker and darker I could easily see a tragic end fit this storyline).
I'm very sure that Voldemort will die in the last book. He always got portrayed in such a flat, well rather simple way (as the "Ultimate Evil"), that he isn't made to survive an end out of ethical reasons, if he doesn't change quickly. Also Harry is so determined to take stonehard revenge on the murder of his parents and Dumbledore (and Sirius in a way, though that's not really a personal issue), that it would be a huge anticlimax to not that let that happen.
Could it be possible that they both die? Maybe, though that would definitely disturb a huge group of young teenagers all over the world
P.S. What was this Mimbulus Mibeltonia again? I recognize the name, but not the meaning.