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Magic Resistance

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:49 am
by Legin
Hi there,

I've been playing BG for a long time and understand most issues, but I've never really understood Magic Resistance. I know that having a high magic resistance reduces/eliminates the effects of magic cast on a character. However, how exactly does it work?

For example take a character with 20% Magic Resistance - what exactly does this mean? Does it negate all spells below a certain level, or does it mean that the character has a 20% chance of resisting the effect?

I can't find anything in the documentation or in the forums. Sorry if this is a common query that I'm just to blind to spot!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:33 am
by CFM
A dude with 20% MR means there's a 20% chance a magical effect will have *no* effect on the dude.

For example, say a dragon has 80% MR. Cast a Magic Missile spell (at level 9 with 5 Missiles) at the dragon. Then turn and flee, because more or less only 1 out of the 5 Missiles will do any damage.

There are, of course, ways to Lower Magic Resistance...

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:11 pm
by Thrifalas
Yep. Gaining 100% MR is a pretty nice way to protect yourself from spells, as I don't recall too many enemies casting MR-lowering spells.

Just be aware that it doesn't affect all spells. Kangaxx will still imprison you -_-

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:13 am
by Legin

Thanks alot for clarifying that.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:53 pm
by Faust
[QUOTE=Thrifalas]Yep. Gaining 100% MR is a pretty nice way to protect yourself from spells, as I don't recall too many enemies casting MR-lowering spells.

Just be aware that it doesn't affect all spells. Kangaxx will still imprison you -_-[/QUOTE]

I'm trying to remember for certain, but doesn't MR shield you from beneficial spells too? If memory serves, this is at least true for innate and items. Possibly, not true for potions.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:05 pm
by Thrifalas
Innate and items? I never noticed any problems with that during my playthrough with 100%+ mag res. Vhailor's Helmet, Ring of invis and so on never failed me. I'm not sure with innate as they kind of go away before you get 100%. :o But I've never noticed it on any playthrough with Viconia and so on. Well.

Might depend on patch/mod and so on and so forth.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:04 am
by stramoski
MR Bugs

Baldurdash fixes some incorrect MR checks, so pick it up @

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:49 am
by boo's daddy
Doesn't MR get modified by the level of spell/caster?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:41 pm
by CFM
[QUOTE=Thrifalas]I never noticed any problems with that during my playthrough with 100%+ mag res. Vhailor's Helmet, Ring of invis and so on never failed me.[/QUOTE]

Me neither in BG2. But in BG1, Magic Resistance was a pain: I'd cast Haste (or Cure, etc) on the party, and it would not effect my dude because of his magic resistance. Maybe some of you's are remembering BG1?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:22 pm
by Thrifalas
It would be nice of that applied to BG2 as well. Makes it more realistic. However, I dont think I ever got more magic reistance than like 5% from the Robe of Good/Neutral/Evil Archmagi. (think they give 5% anyway).

How did you raise it high in that game? :o

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:54 am
by CFM
In BG1, I never had my Magic Resistance anywhere near 100%. But with the Cloak of Balduran, it was 25%. So, when cast every fourth time or so, no Haste.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:10 am
by Monkyboy
Monk not getting better?

I have a problem with my monk. He is level 33 and is making a hard time for all that oppose hi,. But since level 24 he has samo problems. His MR doesn´t get any better. This also apply for THACO and saving thows. What´s wrong?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:57 pm
by JackOfClubs
A monk's magic resistance stops at 78% which should occur at level 26 not 24. This was introduced in ToB, I think.

If you have a max MR of 72% it may be a bug.