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Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:36 pm
by Derfud
How do I beat these things? I'm playing an NG party, and my goal is to clear out the entire temple. The party has 5 members, A human paladin using Frostbrand, A human cleric (sun/strength) using the flaming longsword, a chaotic good dwarf fighter using a masterwork bastard sword, an elven rogue using a +1 longbow, and a halfling evoker.

The first time I fought them I killed the priests, but had to flee combat because the juggernauts knocked out my paladin.

I have tried a few approaches to this fight, and I think my best bet would be to just rail on them from the small doorway, which they cant fit through, using my rogue and some wiz spells. But that damned spell resistance. You guys have any good strategies? Perhaps I should use the wand of chain lightning?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:35 am
by Lord Plothos
Can I ask what mods you're using? Liv's? There is only supposed to be one of them, but for some reason some people have more. I can dig around and find out how to solve this problem, but it's been discussed recently over at, if you want to look yourself.

Also, if you're having a really hard time, you can always use something like a bunch of web and cone of cold spells (craft some scrolls first?) along with a hail of arrows. Web will hold them fast, but I think it may burn away if you use a fireball. Not sure. Web is overpowered in this game, so I don't use it.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:17 pm
by Derfud
I'm using the mods listed in this thread.

I do recall though, in my first playthrough, there were 8 juggernauts or so, but the game was unmodified, and unpatched.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:35 pm
by Lord Plothos
There's a fix posted in this thread at post #7. ... #post10548

Also, I guess Liv is altering version 2.0 to include this fix, so once that's out, you won't need this. I guess some people see more than one and others don't. Weird. Anyway, this seemed to work for everyone else, so give it a whirl and let us know.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:37 pm
by Derfud
the fix that was posted seems to work. I returned to the area and there was only one juggernaut.