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Problems with Marcus

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:21 pm
by Tavi
Says he won't travel with me (yet) even though I finished quests 1 and 2. All I need him for is taking care of the turrets at the SAD because I'm soloing with a melee character. Please tell me if there is another way to get past the turrets.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:39 pm
by CopperWater
your gonna get in trouble for that title there.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:40 pm
by Tavi
OK, but how do I get Marcus to follow me?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:56 pm
by LoneRider
If he doesn't accompany you, there's still something to do in Broken Hills. Have you fixed the mine's air purification system? What about the missing people and solving the plot against muties? At least those has to be done to get Marcus with you.

There's a slight bug in those quests. After you've found the missing people and revealed the group plotting to get rid of muties, you get the quest "fix air purification" marked as solved in your pip-boy. This doesn't mean it actually solved, you have to speak to mine's overseer to get the quest.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:44 am
by Tavi
1. I bought the part required to fix the mine's air purification system from Renesco and installed it myself.
2. I confronted Francis about the dead bodies underground and he left Broken Hills.
3. I uncovered the plot to kill the mutants.
4. I fixed Eric's air conditioner.

and I even found that "obscure pop culture figure" down in the mines

But, weird thing, I blew the mine's air purifier and got two bigots out of prison according to my pipboy. I don't recall doing any of this. :confused:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:01 pm
by Malta Soron
You do have enough Charisma points?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:44 pm
by Tavi
[QUOTE=Malta Soron]You do have enough Charisma points?[/QUOTE]

Touché :mad:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:53 pm
by Deadalready
You need a high enough reputation as well, also I think when you do the missions in Broken Hills it's better to choose the options where you don't ask for a reward.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:07 pm
by Woozaii
Marcus won't follow you, if you are an evil person... Are you? That could explain it.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:33 am
by max-smith
I have same problem :)

What Does Not Kill You Only Makes You Stronger

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:16 am
by Deadalready
One clue is to look at Marcus's face, if he's got a frown on it then he's not happy with you enough to join you. Additionally he has a rather ambiguous speech option in that if you have too many people in your group, he won't say that merely say he doesn't want to join up.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:31 pm
by assamite
maybe you've got too much man in your party
you know he is not miria(i hate tihs stupid girl) or dogmeat